Featuring essays from a variety of fields, including law, comparative politics and sociology, this volume represents an interdisciplinary, multimethodological and multicultural feminist approach to changes in the welfare system of Western industrialized countries.
Featuring essays from a variety of fields, including law, comparative politics and sociology, this volume represents an interdisciplinary, multimethod...
Over the past two decades, civil society has played a pivotal role in Europe, from the demise of Communist rule to the reunification of Europe, followed by the expansion of the single market to the reconstitution of democracy in the enlarged European Union.
European civil society has emerged as a social space between EU governance and the citizens of the member states, populated by non-state agents claiming to represent, speak for or participate on behalf of the most varied social constituencies in EU decision making. This book consolidates European civil society research...
Over the past two decades, civil society has played a pivotal role in Europe, from the demise of Communist rule to the reunification of Europe, fol...
"Informal institutions do matter " Mit diesem Fazit zur Praxis politischer Partizipation formuliert dieser Band die pointierte These, dass in formal verfassten Demokratien entscheidende Mechanismen des Burgerengagements "im Schatten demokratischer Legitimitat" verborgen liegen. Mit ihren von Osteuropa und Afrika uber Lateinamerika bis Japan reichenden regionalen Schwerpunkten und ihrem Fokus auf Armen, Arbeitern, Frauen, Studenten oder der Zivilgesellschaft insgesamt suchen die Einzelbeitrage diese Grauzonen der Demokratisierungs- und Partizipationsforschung aufzuhellen. Als einigendes...
"Informal institutions do matter " Mit diesem Fazit zur Praxis politischer Partizipation formuliert dieser Band die pointierte These, dass in formal v...
In 22 Kapiteln wird eine strukturierte Einfuhrung in das fur Europastudien relevante historische, kultur-, rechts-, sozial- und politikwissenschaftliche Grund-, Vertiefungs- und (optionale) Spezialwissen zum Komplex Europa geboten. Jeder Beitrag fuhrt in die grundlegenden Europa-Fragen und Perspektiven der jeweiligen Disziplin ein, erlautert die zentralen Konzepte und Definitionen, nimmt Bezug auf den aktuellen state of the art und schliesst mit einem Ausblick auf aktuelle Forschungsfragen.
In 22 Kapiteln wird eine strukturierte Einfuhrung in das fur Europastudien relevante historische, kultur-, rechts-, sozial- und politikwissenschaft...
The book explores how the European Union and its members have been renegotiating Europeanization and renationalization in response to the multiple crises they have faced in recent years. The authors highlight varying understandings of "crisis" in different national and supranational policy and institutional contexts. They show how in some cases these have challenged the legitimacy of European Union norms and institutions and even triggered disintegration while in others these crises have served as sources of inspiration for European social innovation and political development.
The book explores how the European Union and its members have been renegotiating Europeanization and renationalization in response to the multiple cri...