Life was fine for Tom Good, called Good by almost everyone. He was actually getting paid to play music, started the band Point Blank, and penned three hits that became forever lodged in his generation's collective memory. Then, for no apparent reason and to everyone's surprise, he walked away from it all.
That was more than twenty years ago. Now Good has settled into a low-key life, writing and recording songs in his closet studio during the day and bartending in a San Diego music club at night. He feels so grounded and secure in his well-established routines with regard to his...
Life was fine for Tom Good, called Good by almost everyone. He was actually getting paid to play music, started the band Point Blank, and penned three...
Sweet Heaven is a book that has the best of both worlds: sweets and God's word. This long time project was born more than three years ago when the author was hosting a life group called "icraft with Sara," where the girls got together to study God's word and work with handicrafts. Sara was always developing messages that would fit the project the girls were working on at the time. Then God placed the dream in her heart to make this book as a tool to reach and bless people independent of their walking in life. Each project has a related message that will warm your heart and make God...
Sweet Heaven is a book that has the best of both worlds: sweets and God's word. This long time project was born more than three years ago when the ...