Currently, privatization and regulatory reform are often viewed as the solution to the problem of poor performance by telecommunications and other public utilities. This volume argues that these high expectations may not always be met because of the way a country's institutions and systems interact.
Currently, privatization and regulatory reform are often viewed as the solution to the problem of poor performance by telecommunications and other pub...
Fulfilling the Export Potential of Small and Medium Firms addresses the question, How can economic policy contribute to a strong export performance by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries?' In today's increasingly integrated world economy, such a performance can make a significant difference to the growth, employment creation and income distribution of many developing countries. The study uses information from specifically designed surveys of SME exporters in Japan, Indonesia, Korea and Colombia, together with a range of evidence from other sources, to...
Fulfilling the Export Potential of Small and Medium Firms addresses the question, How can economic policy contribute to a strong export perfo...
The World Bank and other donors are fully committed to modalities of development support that put countries in the driver's seat, with the poverty reduction strategy process--prepared by national governments, on the basis of close consultation with civil society--providing the framework for that support. An effective poverty reduction strategy process and a productive partnership can be built only on a platform of strong public capacity: capacity to formulate policies; capacity to build consensus; capacity to implement reform; and capacity to monitor results, learn lessons, and adapt...
The World Bank and other donors are fully committed to modalities of development support that put countries in the driver's seat, with the poverty red...
Currently, privatization and regulatory reform are often viewed as the solution to the problem of poor performance by telecommunications and other public utilities. This volume argues that these high expectations may not always be met because of the way a country's institutions and systems interact.
Currently, privatization and regulatory reform are often viewed as the solution to the problem of poor performance by telecommunications and other pub...
Fulfilling the Export Potential of Small and Medium Firms addresses the question, How can economic policy contribute to a strong export performance by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries?' In today's increasingly integrated world economy, such a performance can make a significant difference to the growth, employment creation and income distribution of many developing countries. The study uses information from specifically designed surveys of SME exporters in Japan, Indonesia, Korea and Colombia, together with a range of evidence from other sources, to...
Fulfilling the Export Potential of Small and Medium Firms addresses the question, How can economic policy contribute to a strong export perfo...
Problem-driven political economy analysis holds considerable promise for development practitioners seeking to identify policies and strategies that are most likely to deliver solutions for difficult development challenges. This volume takes stock of the World Bank's experiences applying this approach. The eight good practice cases presented in this volume illustrate recent Bank achievements. Problem-Driven Political Economy Analysis: The World Bank's Experience shows how political economy analysis can be applied to specific development challenges from different sectors, highlights the range...
Problem-driven political economy analysis holds considerable promise for development practitioners seeking to identify policies and strategies that ar...
The development discourse has long been dominated by best practices prescriptions for reform, but these are not a useful way of responding to the governance ambiguities of the early 21st century. Working with the Grain draws on both innovative scholarship and Brian Levy's quarter century of experience at the World Bank to lay out an alternative-a practical, analytically grounded, "with-the-grain" approach to reducing poverty and addressing weaknesses in governance.
Best practice prescriptions confuse the goals of development with the journey of getting from here to there. A...
The development discourse has long been dominated by best practices prescriptions for reform, but these are not a useful way of responding to the gove...
The development discourse has long been dominated by best practices prescriptions for reform, but these are not a useful way of responding to the governance ambiguities of the early 21st century. Working with the Grain draws on both innovative scholarship and Brian Levy's quarter century of experience at the World Bank to lay out an alternative-a practical, analytically grounded, "with-the-grain" approach to reducing poverty and addressing weaknesses in governance.
Best practice prescriptions confuse the goals of development with the journey of getting from here to there. A...
The development discourse has long been dominated by best practices prescriptions for reform, but these are not a useful way of responding to the gove...