Take full advantage of the high-performance features available in Microsoft Windows Vista and experience the power of this integrated, next-generation operating system. Windows Vista: The Complete Reference shows you how to install and configure Windows Vista for optimal performance, customize the streamlined new desktop, display sidebars and gadgets, and enjoy all the entertainment capabilities, including music, movies, and games.
Find out how to manage your files, install software and hardware, and use the latest...
The Ultimate Windows Vista Resource
Take full advantage of the high-performance features available in Microsoft Windows Vist...
Acceda al mundo en lInea con la ediciOn mAs nueva del recurso mAs vendido para el uso del internet
La 10a ediciOn de La Internet Para Dummies estA revisada para cubrir los aspectos bAsicos de la Internet para empezar a hacer cosas. Descubra cOmo hacer una conexiOn a Internet, crear una cuenta de correo electrOnico, la bUsqueda y la investigaciOn en lInea, uso de las comunicaciones, la construcciOn de comunidades en lInea con los blogs y las redes sociales, y establecer una pAgina web en la Internet.
Incluye una amplia cobertura de conexiones de banda...
Acceda al mundo en lInea con la ediciOn mAs nueva del recurso mAs vendido para el uso del internet
Get up and running on the Internet--the fast and easy way
If you're an Internet newcomer and want to get up to speed without all the intimidating technical jargon, The Internet For Dummies has you covered. With over 5,000,000 copies sold*, The Internet For Dummies is the #1 choice for Internet newcomers.
Inside, you'll discover how to make the most of the Internet, get accustomed to popular sites, find the information and items you need fast, and stay away from the bad stuff floating around online.
Catches you up on the latest online trends, from...
Get up and running on the Internet--the fast and easy way
If you're an Internet newcomer and want to get up to speed without all the intimid...