A growing number of adolescents do not have a supportive and trusting relationship with an adult in a birth, foster, adoptive, or chosen family. Yet like all adolescents they need routine and sometimes specialized health care. This book is a collection of essays, case studies, and guidelines that describe the demographic, philosophical, medical, legal, and developmental framework in which these youth and health care staff confront medical decision making. The authors address questions of consent, confidentiality, access to care, and the right to refuse or demand care, emphasizing the...
A growing number of adolescents do not have a supportive and trusting relationship with an adult in a birth, foster, adoptive, or chosen family. Yet l...
Millions of children worldwide have been orphaned or made vulnerable by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. However, while there has been significant action in the last few years by governments, international organizations, religious bodies, and nongovernmental organizations, the vast majority of children made vulnerable by AIDS have not benefited from any assistance beyond their own extended family and community. This volume's insightful perspectives from experienced professionals address these children's needs in education, community mobilization and capacity building, economic strengthening at...
Millions of children worldwide have been orphaned or made vulnerable by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. However, while there has been significant action in the...
As the population ages and the health care system focuses on cost-containment, family caregivers have become the frontline providers of most long-term and chronic care. Patient care at home falls mainly on untrained and unprepared family members, who struggle to adjust to the new roles, responsibilities, and expenses. Because the culture of family caregivers--their values, priorities, and relationships to the patient--often differs markedly from that of professionals, the result can be conflict and misunderstanding.
In The Cultures of Caregiving, Carol Levine and Thomas Murray...
As the population ages and the health care system focuses on cost-containment, family caregivers have become the frontline providers of most long-t...
Combining powerful personal stories with astute analysis and recommendations, Always on Call reveals the hidden struggles of the more than 25 million family caregivers in the United States. While family members have always provided care for one another, recent changes in health care have placed tremendous new responsibilities on them--responsibilities that, only a decade ago, were a routine part of hospital care. The prevalence of chronic rather than acute illness, trends toward shorter hospital stays, increased outpatient care, and limited insurance benefits for in-home care now...
Combining powerful personal stories with astute analysis and recommendations, Always on Call reveals the hidden struggles of the more than 2...
Combining powerful personal stories with astute analysis and recommendations, Always on Call reveals the hidden struggles of the more than 25 million family caregivers in the United States. While family members have always provided care for one another, recent changes in health care have placed tremendous new responsibilities on them--responsibilities that, only a decade ago, were a routine part of hospital care. The prevalence of chronic rather than acute illness, trends toward shorter hospital stays, increased outpatient care, and limited insurance benefits for in-home care now...
Combining powerful personal stories with astute analysis and recommendations, Always on Call reveals the hidden struggles of the more than 2...
By the year 2000, as many as 125,000 children under the age of 18 in the U.S. will have been orphaned by AIDS. Social services in major urban centers such as New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and Washington will be further overwhelmed by these new clients and their unique problems. In this book, experts on AIDS, bereavement, and children draw together and analyze research and practice models that may be vital to individual and public policy solutions. The first chapter sets the stage by examining how Western culture approaches death. Issues of spirituality and children are discussed next, and the...
By the year 2000, as many as 125,000 children under the age of 18 in the U.S. will have been orphaned by AIDS. Social services in major urban centers ...
Living in the Land of Limbo is the first anthology of short stories and poems about family caregivers. These men and women find themselves in "limbo," as they struggle to take care of a family member or friend in the uncertain world of chronic illness. The authors explore caregivers' experiences as they deal with family conflicts, the complexities of the health care system, and the impact of their choices on their lives and the lives of others. The book includes selections devoted to caregivers of aging parents; husbands and...
A 2015 AAUP Books Committee "Outstanding" Title
Living in the Land of Limbo is the first anthology of short stories and poems about ...
Living in the Land of Limbo is the first anthology of short stories and poems about family caregivers. These men and women find themselves in "limbo," as they struggle to take care of a family member or friend in the uncertain world of chronic illness. The authors explore caregivers' experiences as they deal with family conflicts, the complexities of the health care system, and the impact of their choices on their lives and the lives of others. The book includes selections devoted to caregivers of aging parents; husbands and...
A 2015 AAUP Books Committee "Outstanding" Title
Living in the Land of Limbo is the first anthology of short stories and poems about ...