For this new edition, Roger Ariew has adapted Samuel Clarke's edition of 1717, modernizing it to reflect contemporary English usage. Ariew's introduction places the correspondence in historical context and discusses the vibrant philosophical climate of the times. Appendices provide those selections from the works of Newton that Clarke frequently refers to in the correspondence. A bibliography is also included.
For this new edition, Roger Ariew has adapted Samuel Clarke's edition of 1717, modernizing it to reflect contemporary English usage. Ariew's introd...
The impact of the work of German mathematician GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ (1646-1716) on modern science and technology is all but incalculable. His notation for infinitesimal calculus-which he developed independently of Newton-remains in use today, and his invention of binary counting is the basis for modern computing. He was a powerfully influential philosopher as well, and is still considered, alongside Descartes and Spinoza, one of the great 17th-century rationalists.
Because much of Leibnizs thinking in the realm of the sciences flowed from his philosophy, understanding how he approached...
The impact of the work of German mathematician GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ (1646-1716) on modern science and technology is all but incalculable. His not...
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) Universalgelehrten der Neuzeit und als der erste deutsche Philosoph von europäischem Rang. Leibniz, der zunächst in Leipzig und Jena Rechtswissenschaften und Philosophie studierte, stand danach im Dienst des Kurfürsten von Mainz; ab 1676 amtierte er als Rat und Bibliothekar am Hof des Herzogs von Braunschweig-Lüneburg in Hannover. Im Jahre 1700 regte er die Errichtung der 'Sozietät der Wissenschaften', der späteren 'Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften', an. Der Umkreis der von Leibniz bearbeiteten Wissensgebiete umfaßte außer der Philosophie...
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) Universalgelehrten der Neuzeit und als der erste deutsche Philosoph von europäischem Rang. Leibniz, der zunäch...