A wealth of historical writing dealing with the Maghrib (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya) has been published during the roughly forty years since European colonial control ended in the region. This book provides a "state of the field" survey of this postcolonial Maghribi historiography.
The book contains thirteen essays by leading Maghribi and North American scholars. The first section surveys the Maghrib as a whole; the second focuses on individual countries of the Maghrib; and the third explores theoretical issues and case studies. Cutting across chronological categories, the...
A wealth of historical writing dealing with the Maghrib (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya) has been published during the roughly forty years si...
Castelli, Alicia; Le Gall, Michel; Monnet-Corti, Virginie
La position de l'incisive mandibulaire A(c)tant l'une des clA(c)s de la rA(c)ussite de nos traitements, la plupart des techniques orthodontiques focalisent leur attention sur son contrAle mais ne prennent pas de prA(c)cautions sur l'environnement parodontal. Qu'en est-il rA(c)ellement du niveau osseux avant traitement et surtout aprA]s alignement/nivellement et redressement de l'incisive? C'est A travers une A(c)tude prospective sur 50 patients que nous avons A(c)valuA(c) le comportement du parodonte des incisives mandibulaires par une approche clinique par sondage et radiologique sur CONE...
La position de l'incisive mandibulaire A(c)tant l'une des clA(c)s de la rA(c)ussite de nos traitements, la plupart des techniques orthodontiques focal...