"Aymeri of Narbonne" tells the story of Aymeri, son of one of Charlemagnes paladins, who alone accepts the great emperors challenge to reconquer Narbonne in Languedoc from the Saracens. Epic siege and battle, betrayal, and acts of individual heroism evoke all the elements of the great age of French chanson de geste epitomized in the Song of Roland. Unlike Roland and many of its imitators - tales that breathe the air of military culture and the crusade - Aymeri of Narbonne takes a step forward, toward the age of the Romance, with a second plot that is no less important than great battles and...
"Aymeri of Narbonne" tells the story of Aymeri, son of one of Charlemagnes paladins, who alone accepts the great emperors challenge to reconquer Narbo...