This thoughtful collection based on a highly successful conference held in Calgary, Alberta, combines the views of professional gerontologists, educators, health-care specialists, and policy makers to confront the issues affecting health care for older adults in both Canada and the United States. The contributors seek not only to inform but to inspire innovative reponses from the private as well as the public sector. Experts in government, aging, medicine, public administration, social service, counseling, and consulting focus their attention on vital areas of concern to elders who are in...
This thoughtful collection based on a highly successful conference held in Calgary, Alberta, combines the views of professional gerontologists, educat...
Gerald A. Larue shows how social values impact elders in the United States and how older persons, and those who advocate on their behalf, may respond to the attitudes and actions of others. This book offers the elderly and those who care for them a vibrant look at the challenges of aging: the role elders can and do play in shaping and changing society's views of its oldest members, regaining control of important life choices, and the struggle to live a meaningful and independent existence free of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Included are chapters on stereotypes, human rights, agism,...
Gerald A. Larue shows how social values impact elders in the United States and how older persons, and those who advocate on their behalf, may respond ...