In 1914, an expedition headed by Sir Ernest Shackleton set out to be the first to cross the continent of Antarctica. Shipwrecked and marooned for months on end, their ill-fated voyage became a triumphant story of indomitable courage and faith in the face of astounding obstacles.
A bestseller since it was first published in 1959, Alfred Lansing's Endurance now features a foreword and afterword from Dr. James Dobson—inspiring every reader to persevere no matter how impossible the challenge.
In 1914, an expedition headed by Sir Ernest Shackleton set out to be the first to cross the continent of Antarctica. Shipwrecked and marooned for mont...
Am Anfang steht der Plan von der erstmaligen Durchquerung des weißen Kontinents. Doch das gewaltige Naturwunder Antarktis wird im Jahr 1915 für die Crew der 'Endurance' zur Hölle aus Eis. Beharrlich verfolgt Expeditionsleiter Sir Ernest Shackleton bald nur noch ein Ziel: 28 Männer lebend wieder in die Zivilisation zurückzubringen. Die faszinierende Geschichte einer Irrfahrt ans Ende der Welt. "Gebt mir Scott als wissenschaftlichen Expeditionsleiter ..., gebt mir Amundsen für eine störungsfreie und effiziente Polar-Expedition, aber wenn sich das Schicksal gegen euch verschworen zu haben...
Am Anfang steht der Plan von der erstmaligen Durchquerung des weißen Kontinents. Doch das gewaltige Naturwunder Antarktis wird im Jahr 1915 für die ...
In August 1914, polar explorer Ernest Shackleton boarded the Endurance and set sail for Antarctica, where he planned to cross the last uncharted continent on foot. In January 1915, after battling its way through a thousand miles of pack ice and only a day's sail short of its destination, the Endurance became locked in an island of ice. Thus began the legendary ordeal of Shackleton and his crew of twenty-seven men. For ten months the ice-moored Endurance drifted northwest before it was finally crushed between two ice floes. With no options left, Shackleton and a...
In August 1914, polar explorer Ernest Shackleton boarded the Endurance and set sail for Antarctica, where he planned to cross the last uncharte...