Set within a framing narrative told by Chrystal Croftangry, these three stories are set in the years following the Jacobite defeat and all feature characters who are leaving Scotland to seek their fortunes elsewhere. In "The Highland Widow" and "The Two Drovers," two young men find themselves torn between traditional Scottish loyalties and the opportunities offered by England. And "The Surgeon's Daughter" follows three young Scots to India during the first phase years of the British Empire. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the...
Set within a framing narrative told by Chrystal Croftangry, these three stories are set in the years following the Jacobite defeat and all feature cha...
"The most romantic parts of this narrative are precisely those which have a foundation in fact." Edward Waverley, a young English soldier in the Hanoverian army, is sent to Scotland where he finds himself caught up in events that quickly transform from the stuff of romance into nightmare. His character is fashioned through his experience of the Jacobite rising of 1745-6, the last civil war fought on British soil and the unsuccessful attempt to reinstate the Stuart monarchy, represented by Prince Charles Edward. Waverley's love for the spirited Flora MacIvor and his romantic nature...
"The most romantic parts of this narrative are precisely those which have a foundation in fact." Edward Waverley, a young English soldier in the H...
This substantial collection includes contributions from leading international Shakespeare scholars such as Tom Craik, Philip Edwards, IngA-Stina Ewbank, R.A. Foakes, G.K. Hunter, Kenneth Muir, A.D. Nuttall, Brian Vickers and Stanley Wells. The book's twenty five essays range over the whole field of Shakespeare studies and deal especially with Shakespeare and his predecessors, Shakespeare and his contemporaries, Shakespeare in performance (including film) and Shakespeare in relation to later literature. Shakespearean Continuities is published in honour of the distinguished Shakespeare scholar...
This substantial collection includes contributions from leading international Shakespeare scholars such as Tom Craik, Philip Edwards, IngA-Stina Ewban...