John, the Maverick Gospel has long been regarded as one of the most trustworthy introductions to the Fourth Gospel, paying special attention to the literary and theological dimensions of this Gospel without neglecting historical and other approaches. Robert Kysar, an international expert on John's Gospel, has now revised this useful classroom tool to bring the scholarly discussions up to date and to add sections on women in the Gospel of John as well as postmodern appraoches to the Gospel. This classic text provides an accessible entry into the important critical issues of John's...
John, the Maverick Gospel has long been regarded as one of the most trustworthy introductions to the Fourth Gospel, paying special attention...
Explores the reasons for social ministry as they arise in the witness of Scripture-not only the usual justice texts but also those that seem to counter this position. Shows how the Bible addresses practical, contemporary concerns and fears.
Explores the reasons for social ministry as they arise in the witness of Scripture-not only the usual justice texts but also those that seem to counte...
With this helpful guide, preachers can find new and powerful resources for preaching in Johannine language and thought, as well as its use of narrative and discourse. It combines the practical with proposals for understanding the Gospel and 1 John.
With this helpful guide, preachers can find new and powerful resources for preaching in Johannine language and thought, as well as its use of narrativ...
Before starting to read one of the 66 books in the Bible, it is helpful to have an overview of the book. A Beginner's Guide to the Books of the Bible provides accurate, concise, and easy-to-understand introductions to each of the 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. Each description discusses the book's purpose, approximate date of composition, authorship, contents, and distinctive features. Also included are introductions to larger sections of the Bible, such as the major and minor prophets.
Before starting to read one of the 66 books in the Bible, it is helpful to have an overview of the book. A Beginner's Guide to the Books of the Bible ...
A knowledge of basic Greek grammar can illuminate scripture passages for preachers seeking a better understanding of the Bible and fresh perspectives for faithful sermons. Joseph Webb and Robert Kysar review rudiments of New Testament Greek with specific attention to how preachers can use their growing knowledge of Greek to integrate linguistic and exegetical insights in ways that are faithful to the sermon without overwhelming the listeners.
A knowledge of basic Greek grammar can illuminate scripture passages for preachers seeking a better understanding of the Bible and fresh perspectives ...
In this volume, Robert Kysar chronicles the history of interpretation of the Fourth Gospel in the twentieth century. His study reveals four distinct critical approaches to understanding the Fourth Gospel - historical, theological, literary, and postmodernist readings. The use of these methods mirrors the history of biblical studies and influences the present state of scholarship.
In this volume, Robert Kysar chronicles the history of interpretation of the Fourth Gospel in the twentieth century. His study reveals four distinct c...
A collection of essays on John 6 illustrating various current approaches to biblical interpretation. To understand this chapter, one must deal with most of the issues that confront serious readers of the Fourth Gospel. Historical issues and questions regarding the composition of the Gospel, the nature of the Johannine community, the literary design of the Gospel and its theology all come to focus in a unique way in John 6. The essays in this volume are written by ten of the leading Johannine scholars in America, Australia, Europe and Scandinavia. The collection, therefore, provides an...
A collection of essays on John 6 illustrating various current approaches to biblical interpretation. To understand this chapter, one must deal with mo...