Coiled like a snake at the base of the spine, kundalini is the spiritual force that lies dormant in every human being. Once awakened, often through meditation and yoga practices, it rises up the spine and finds expression in the form of spiritual knowledge, mystical vision, psychic powers, and ultimately, enlightenment. This is the classic first-person account of Gopi Krishna, an ordinary Indian householder who, at the age of thirty-four, after years of unsupervised meditation, suddenly experienced the awakening of kundalini during his morning practice. The story of this transformative...
Coiled like a snake at the base of the spine, kundalini is the spiritual force that lies dormant in every human being. Once awakened, often through me...
Ein bahnbrechendes Buch zum Verständnis des menschlichen Bewusstseins!§Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, einer der bedeutendsten Brückenbauer zwischen abendländischer Wissenschaft und östlicher Weisheit, zeigt in seinem Dialog mit dem großen Yoga-Meister neue Perspektiven in der Entwicklung des menschlichen Bewusstseins auf. Noch immer sind weite Bereiche des geistigen Potenzials des Menschen unerschlossen und warten auf ihre Erweckung. Ein Weg dazu ist die Yoga-Praxis.§Aufbauend auf einer persönlichen Freundschaft und einem tiefen gegenseitigen Respekt, loten Weizsäcker und Gopi...
Ein bahnbrechendes Buch zum Verständnis des menschlichen Bewusstseins!§Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, einer der bedeutendsten Brückenbauer zwische...
Gopi Krishna, born and reared in a rural area of Kashmir, achieved Cosmic Consciousness at the age of 34. This is such a rare achievement that it is unlikely that there have been more than five or six similar achievements over the past several hundred years. His more than 17 books, and many discourses, are considered the bible on the subject of Super-Consciousness and brain evolution. This book makes it absolutely clear as to what is Enlightenment, or Illumination, or Super-Consciousness, which is crucial for any aspirant who wishes to attain Higher Consciousness. Unless one knows the target...
Gopi Krishna, born and reared in a rural area of Kashmir, achieved Cosmic Consciousness at the age of 34. This is such a rare achievement that it is u...