1996 nahm der amerikanische Journalist Jon Krakauer an einer Mount-Everest-Expedition teil. Das Unternehmen endete in einer Katastrophe, fnf von Krakauers Kameraden kamen auf tragische Weise in einem peitschenden Schneesturm ums Leben, er selbst konnte sich mit letzter Kraft in Sicherheit bringen. Minuzis und eindrucksvoll schildert er in diesem Bericht den Verlauf der Expedition. Er uert sich auerdem kritisch ber die Auswchse des modernen Alpinismus mit seinen oft tdlichen Folgen, vermittelt aber zugleich einen Eindruck von der magischen Anziehungskraft und der Faszination des Bergsteigens.
1996 nahm der amerikanische Journalist Jon Krakauer an einer Mount-Everest-Expedition teil. Das Unternehmen endete in einer Katastrophe, fnf von Kraka...
The definitive biography of Everett Ruess, the artist, writer, and eloquent celebrator of the wilderness whose bold solo explorations of the American West and mysterious disappearance in the Utah desert at age 20 have earned him a large and devoted cult following. Wandering alone with burros and pack horses through California and the Southwest for five years in the early 1930s, on voyages lasting as long as ten months, Ruess became friends with photographers Edward Weston and Dorothea Lange, swapped prints with Ansel Adams, took part in a Hopi ceremony, learned to speak Navajo, and...
The definitive biography of Everett Ruess, the artist, writer, and eloquent celebrator of the wilderness whose bold solo explorations of the Americ...
No one writes about mountaineering and its attendant hardships and victories more brilliantly than critically acclaimed author Jon Krakauer. In this collection of his finest work from such magazines as Outside and Smithsonian, he explores the subject from the unique and memorable perspective of one who has battled peaks like K2, Denali, Everest, and, of course, the Eiger. Always with a keen eye, an open heart, and a hunger for the ultimate experience, he gives us unerring portraits of the mountaineering experience.  Yet Eiger Dreams is more about people than about rock and...
No one writes about mountaineering and its attendant hardships and victories more brilliantly than critically acclaimed author Jon Krakauer. In this c...