This treasury of essential Buddhist writings draws from the most popular Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese sources. Among the selections are some of the earliest recorded sayings of the Buddha on the practice of freedom, passages from later Indian scriptures on the perfection of wisdom, verses from Tibetan masters on the enlightened mind, and songs in praise of meditation by Zen teachers. The book also includes traditional instruction on how to practice sitting meditation, cultivate calm awareness, and live with compassion. Jack Kornfield, one of the most respected American Buddhist...
This treasury of essential Buddhist writings draws from the most popular Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese sources. Among the selections are some...
Bewegende, humorvolle, heilende und manches Mal verblffende Weisheitsgeschichten aus aller Welt, zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von zwei bekannten buddhistischen Meditationslehrern.
Bewegende, humorvolle, heilende und manches Mal verblffende Weisheitsgeschichten aus aller Welt, zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von zwei bekannten...
Jack Kornfield ist einer der ganz großen buddhistischen Lehrer neben dem Dalai Lama und Thich Nhat Hanh§§Erleuchtung ist kein Ruhestand! Nehmen wir diese Herausforderung an, erleben wir, wie das erwachte Herz zum verlässlichen Ratgeber wird - beispielsweise in schwierigen Familienverhältnissen, bei seelischem Schmerz, beruflichen Anforderungen, Krankheit oder Verlust. §Jack Kornfield berichtet über die Erfahrungen und Einsichten von Lehrern und Schülern buddhistischer, christlicher, jüdischer und hinduistischer Herkunft sowie der Sufi-Tradition. Auf einmalige und zutiefst ehrliche...
Jack Kornfield ist einer der ganz großen buddhistischen Lehrer neben dem Dalai Lama und Thich Nhat Hanh§§Erleuchtung ist kein Ruhestand! Nehmen wir...
The Five Mindfulness Trainings (also referred to as "Precepts")--not to kill, steal, commit adultery, lie, or take intoxicants--are the basic statement of ethics and morality in Buddhism. Zen Master and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh argues eloquently for their applicability in our daily lives and on a global scale. Nhat Hanh discusses the value and meaning of each precept, offering insights into the role that it could play in our changing society. Thich Nhat Hanh calls the trainings a "diet for a mindful society." With this book he offers a Buddhist contribution to the current thinking...
The Five Mindfulness Trainings (also referred to as "Precepts")--not to kill, steal, commit adultery, lie, or take intoxicants--are the basic statemen...
Jesus and Buddha were separated by five hundred years, three thousand miles, and two drastically different cultures. Yet this trade paper edition of the highly acclaimed hardback juxtaposes passages from the New Testament and ancient Buddhist scriptures to illuminate the striking similarity between their lives, deeds, and teachings.
Jesus and Buddha were separated by five hundred years, three thousand miles, and two drastically different cultures. Yet this trade paper edition of t...
This treasury of essential Buddhist writings draws from the most popular Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese sources. Among the selections are some of the earliest recorded sayings of the Buddha on the practice of freedom, passages from later Indian scriptures on the perfection of wisdom, verses from Tibetan masters on the enlightened mind, and songs in praise of meditation by Zen teachers. The book also includes traditional instruction on how to practice sitting meditation, cultivate calm awareness, and live with compassion. Jack Kornfield, one of the most respected American Buddhist...
This treasury of essential Buddhist writings draws from the most popular Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese sources. Among the selections are some...
This life story of one of the few women in her generation to devote herself entirely to the pursuit of meditation also includes Dipa Ma's spiritual teachings, which have made her a major figure in contemporary Buddhism. Dipa Ma was the first truly accomplished female meditation master in the Thereavada tradition to teach in the United States and, while she had a deep devotion to the tradition, she also had a fierce understanding that the spiritual accomplishments of women could be in every way equal to those of the predominantly male religious hierarchy. Her influence on the teaching of...
This life story of one of the few women in her generation to devote herself entirely to the pursuit of meditation also includes Dipa Ma's spiritual te...
Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman serve up a delicious banquet of wise tales from the world's greatest spiritual traditions in the pages of this delightful collection. A feast filled with timeless moral and spiritual lessons, these lively tales and
Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman serve up a delicious banquet of wise tales from the world's greatest spiritual traditions in the pages of this...
A guide to reconciling Buddhist spirituality with the American way of life addresses the challenges of spiritual living in the modern world and offers guidance for bringing a sense of the sacred to everyday experience.
A guide to reconciling Buddhist spirituality with the American way of life addresses the challenges of spiritual living in the modern world and offers...
"Enlightenment does exist," internationally renowned author and meditation master Jack Kornfield assures us. "Unbounded freedom and joy, oneness with the divine ... these experiences are more common than you know, and not far away." But even after achieving such realization -- after the ecstasy -- we are faced with the day-to-day task of translating that freedom into our imperfect lives. We are faced with the laundry. Drawing on the experiences and insights of leaders and practitioners within the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Sufi traditions, this book offers a uniquely...
"Enlightenment does exist," internationally renowned author and meditation master Jack Kornfield assures us. "Unbounded freedom and joy, oneness with ...