With this book, you can earn credits toward management certification programs. Credits are approved by various state and national accreditation groups from all over the United States, from Alaska to New York. Call 1-800-234-1639 for more information! The practical set of methods and tools contained in the two volumes of Management and Supervision for Working Professionals provides the reader with the knowledge and means to become an effective manager or supervisor. Volume I emphasizes organizational structure, planning, and leadership, while Volume II emphasizes communication, instruction,...
With this book, you can earn credits toward management certification programs. Credits are approved by various state and national accreditation groups...
The Handbook of Environmental Health is a must for the reference library of anyone with environmental concerns. Written by experts in the field and co-published by the National Environmental Health Association, this volume continues to be a valuable college textbook and major information resource on environmental issues.The two-volume Handbook of Environmental Health has been a standard reference for over 23 years. Completely revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments and discoveries in this constantly changing and evolving field, the fourth edition continues to provide a basis...
The Handbook of Environmental Health is a must for the reference library of anyone with environmental concerns. Written by experts in the field and co...
The Handbook of Environmental Health is a must for the reference library of anyone with environmental concerns. Written by experts in the field and co-published by the National Environmental Health Association, this volume continues to be a valuable college textbook and major information resource on environmental issues.The two-volume Handbook of Environmental Health has been a standard reference for over 23 years. Completely revised and expanded to reflect the latest developments and discoveries in this constantly changing and evolving field, the fourth edition continues to provide a basis...
The Handbook of Environmental Health is a must for the reference library of anyone with environmental concerns. Written by experts in the field and co...
The Illustrated Dictionary and Resource Directory of Environmental and Occupational Health, Second Edition is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive reference source for the vast and diverse collection of interrelated terms and topics that encompass the fields of environmental science, occupational health and safety, and preventive medicine. These topics include: epidemiology, energy; biological, chemical, and physical hazards; hazard analysis; microbiology; weather; geology and geography; food protection, food borne disease, and food technology; emerging diseases; pesticides; indoor air pollution;...
The Illustrated Dictionary and Resource Directory of Environmental and Occupational Health, Second Edition is a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive reference...
In a present where there are countless opportunities for the spread of exotic diseases, the expansion and creation of far more illness in our global population through globalization and rapid transportation, and the contamination of water, air and land, we find ourselves accountable. In this day and age we are confronted by global warming, Ebola, the Zika virus, lead in our water supply, enormous problems of infrastructure including aging sewer lines, water lines, electrical grids, roads and bridges, and the list goes on and on.
Best Practices for Environmental Health:...
In a present where there are countless opportunities for the spread of exotic diseases, the expansion and creation of far more illness in our globa...
In a present where there are countless opportunities for the spread of exotic diseases, the expansion and creation of far more illness in our global population through globalization and rapid transportation, and the contamination of water, air and land, we find ourselves accountable. In this day and age we are confronted by global warming, Ebola, the Zika virus, lead in our water supply, enormous problems of infrastructure including aging sewer lines, water lines, electrical grids, roads and bridges, and the list goes on and on.
Best Practices for Environmental Health:...
In a present where there are countless opportunities for the spread of exotic diseases, the expansion and creation of far more illness in our globa...