Most professional forensic literature addresses the assessment of adults yet neglects the necessary differences that arise when working with minors. Forensic Mental Health Assessment of Children presents the reader with essential knowledge and practical suggestions regarding the forensic assessment of minors involved in a variety of legal applications. Methods of evaluation are described by leading experts regarding topics frequently encountered and of great importance to the courts including: -Physical and sexual child abuse -Domestic violence -Child custody in divorce...
Most professional forensic literature addresses the assessment of adults yet neglects the necessary differences that arise when working with minors. <...
Michael Roberts Michael C. Roberts Gerald P. Koocher
A number of factors converged to prompt this volume at this particular time. For several years, supervisors in predoctoral and internship programs have noted the need for a compendium of selected articles to illustrate the range of research and practice of pediatric psychology. Although the field is still relatively young, the many new pediatric psychologists in recent years might benefit from a perspective on the history and development of the psychological concepts, the organizational home in the Society of Pediatric Psychology (Section V of the Division of Clinical Psychology of the Ameri...
A number of factors converged to prompt this volume at this particular time. For several years, supervisors in predoctoral and internship programs hav...
Gerald P. Koocher John C. Norcross Beverly A. Greene
Fully revised and expanded, this third edition of the Psychologists' Desk Reference includes several new chapters on emerging topics in psychology and incoporates updates from top clinicians and program directors in the field. This classic companion for mental health practioners presents an even larger variety of information required in daily practice in one easy-to-use resource. Covering the entire spectrum of practice issues-from diagnostic codes, practice guidelines, treatment principles, and report checklists, to insight and advice from today's most respected clinicians-this...
Fully revised and expanded, this third edition of the Psychologists' Desk Reference includes several new chapters on emerging topics in psych...
Most mental health professionals and behavioral scientists enter the field with a strong desire to help others, but clinical practice and research endeavors often involve decision-making in the context of ethical ambiguity. Good intentions are important, but unfortunately, they do not always protect the practitioner and client from breaches in ethical conduct. Academics, researchers, and students also face a range of ethical challenges from the classroom to the laboratory.
The completely updated fourth edition of Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions considers...
Most mental health professionals and behavioral scientists enter the field with a strong desire to help others, but clinical practice and research end...
John C. Norcross Thomas P. Hogan Gerald P. Koocher
Everyone, it seems, is talking and arguing about Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Those therapies and assessments designated as EBP increasingly determine what is taught, researched, and reimbursed in health care. But exactly what is it, and how do you do it? The second edition of Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practices is the concise, practitioner-friendly guide to applying EBPs in mental health. Step-by-step it explains how to conduct the entire EBP process-asking the right questions, accessing the best available research, appraising the research, translating that research...
Everyone, it seems, is talking and arguing about Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Those therapies and assessments designated as EBP increasingly determi...