Testing for genetic abnormalities has transformed pregnancy and motherhood, and the recent discoveries by the Human Genome Project affect us all. In this updated version of their important book with its new Afterword, the authors have incorporated the most recent prenatal testing information. Using their own research, the authors analyze the psycho-social and ethical implications of genetic testing. Among the issues discussed in the new Afterword are the spread of prenatal testing, the changing meanings of pregnancy, and the perils and promises of the Human Genome Project.
Testing for genetic abnormalities has transformed pregnancy and motherhood, and the recent discoveries by the Human Genome Project affect us all. I...
Prenatal testing for genetic abnormalities has transformed pregnancy and motherhood. Using sociological research, this book analyzes the social-psychological and ethical implications of invasive prenatal testing, particularly CVS and amniocentesis. Among the issues covered are changes in the genetic counseling profession and in client demographics; the challenge of nondirective genetic counseling; decisions on testing and on which test to have; the timing and risks of the procedures; abortion and grief; the ethics of sex selection; potential uses and abuses of genetic knowledge; and policy...
Prenatal testing for genetic abnormalities has transformed pregnancy and motherhood. Using sociological research, this book analyzes the social-psy...