Alexandre Koj_ve offers a systematic discussion of key themes such as right, justice, law, equality, and autonomy in which he presages our contemporary world of economic globalization and international law. Edited and translated (with Robert Howse) by Bryan-Paul Frost, this is the authoritative English language translation of a monumental work in political philosophy.
Alexandre Koj_ve offers a systematic discussion of key themes such as right, justice, law, equality, and autonomy in which he presages our contemporar...
"This collection of Kojeve's thoughts about Hegel constitutesone of the few important philosophical books of the twentiethcentury a book, knowledge of which is requisite to the fullawareness of our situation and to the grasp of the most modernperspective on the eternal questions of philosophy." Allan Bloom (from the Introduction)
During the years 1933 1939, the Russian-born and German-educated Marxist political philosopher Alexandre Kojeve (1902 1968) brilliantly explicated through a series of lectures the philosophy of Hegel as it was developed in the Phenomenology of...
"This collection of Kojeve's thoughts about Hegel constitutesone of the few important philosophical books of the twentiethcentury a book, knowledge...
Kojeves Buch ber Hegel gehrt zu den provokativsten wie auch einflureichsten Interpretationen der Hegelschen Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. Es hatte einen mageblichen Einflu auf die franzsische Nachkriegsphilosophie, in deren Schriften sich etliche Spuren von Kojeves eigenwilliger Deutung finden. Als Interpret Hegels versteht sich Kojeve gleichzeitig als dessen Anhnger, berzeugt von der Wahrheit der Hegelschen Philosophie, die es in unserer Zeit zu vergegenwrtigen gelte. Was von den einen als historisch distanzlose Interpretation, von den anderen als genialische Auslegung angesehen wird, ist...
Kojeves Buch ber Hegel gehrt zu den provokativsten wie auch einflureichsten Interpretationen der Hegelschen Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. Es hatte e...