Dr. C. I. Scofield's classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red-letter typeface enhances this Bible's usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preachers and those with vision difficulties.
Features include book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.
* Clear, readable 10-point typeface. * 16 pages of full color. * Complete Scofield(R) Study Bible features. * Oxford Bible...
Dr. C. I. Scofield's classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red-letter typeface enhances this Bible's ...
Dr. C. I. Scofield's classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible's usefulness. Large, 10-point print makes this edition particularly attractive for preacher and people with vision difficulties.
Features include a protective two-piece box, book introductions, chronologies, concordance, subject-chain references, comprehensive and subject indexes and full-color Oxford Bible Maps, with index.
* Clear, readable 10-point typeface. * 16 pages of full color. * Complete Scofield(R) Study Bible...
Dr. C. I. Scofield's classic study system and 1917 notes form the core of this definitive resource. A crisp red- letter typeface enhances this Bible's...
With the exception of the classic King James Version, all of the popular translations featured in the Contemporary Parallel New Testament were published within the last quarter-century. This edition is the first to include both the New International Version and the New King James Version texts in parallel, making it especially noteworthy.
* King James Version * New International Version * New American Standard Bible (Updated) * New Living Translation * New Century Bible * New King James Version * Contemporary English Version * The Message
With the exception of the classic King James Version, all of the popular translations featured in the Contemporary Parallel New Testament wer...
An invaluable quick-reference guide to this acclaimed modern language translation, the Concise Concordance to the NRSV contains over 300 pages of entries including citations on the most important key words in the NRSV Bible. This concordance also includes over 300 capsule biographies of significant biblical characters and an exhaustive index of over 600 of the most frequent phrases in the NRSV. * Three column text. * Entries selectively cover all 84 books contained in the NRSV, including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books
An invaluable quick-reference guide to this acclaimed modern language translation, the Concise Concordance to the NRSV contains over 300 pages of entr...
James Strong John R., III Kohlenberger James A. Swanson
The time-honored concordance now improved with large, readable type. As with the first Strongest Strong's, this edition is written with unprecedented accuracy and clarity by John Kohlenberger and James Swanson. Longstanding errors from the original have been corrected and omissions filled in. Word studies have been simplified and special care has been taken to maximize the thoroughness and ease of use. Special features include: - Computer-verified accuracy - Strong's numbering system for word studies in Greek and Hebrew - Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbers in the dictionary indexes that correspond...
The time-honored concordance now improved with large, readable type. As with the first Strongest Strong's, this edition is written with unprecedented ...