The tarot is used for divination and as a source of symbolic wisdom, and the author combines the two traditions in this book. Drawing from his own Gareth Knight Tarot and the Grimaud Deck of Marseilles, he offers a history and interpretation of each card and provides specific exercises to help readers become familiar with them.
The tarot is used for divination and as a source of symbolic wisdom, and the author combines the two traditions in this book. Drawing from his own Gar...
Traces the ancient Qabalistic, Greek, and Egyptian roots of the Western esoteric systems, and how the initiation tradition has been handed down from adept to neophyte. Dion Fortune reveals both the broad outlines and underlying principles of these systems. Includes a new introduction by Gareth Knight. Index.
Traces the ancient Qabalistic, Greek, and Egyptian roots of the Western esoteric systems, and how the initiation tradition has been handed down from a...
People have been interested in secret traditions since the beginning of time. Fraternal brotherhoods and sisterhoods, and secret orders of varying degrees exist in every country, race, and religion. Dion Fortune, in Esoteric Orders and Their Work, gets to the root of exactly what esoteric orders are, leaving no stone unturned. "Esotericism, Occultism, and Mysticism" defines what esotericism is in relation to exoteriscism; in layman's terms, the inner life versus the outer one. In "The Origin of the Mysteries", she looks at how esotericism grew hand-in-hand with the evolution of humankind,...
People have been interested in secret traditions since the beginning of time. Fraternal brotherhoods and sisterhoods, and secret orders of varying deg...
In this groundbreaking book, Knight shows how the Qabalah and its basic diagram, the Tree of Life, is a system of relationships among mystical symbols that can be used to gain access to the hidden reaches of the mind. He also demonstrates how the Qabalah is applicable to all mystical traditions and religious beliefs, including Christian mysticism, Greek, Egyptian and Celtic mythologies, and even Native American beliefs. It is indeed symbolic of our universal search for the Divine. Included here are two books in one. The first compares the Western Mystery Tradition with the Eastern system of...
In this groundbreaking book, Knight shows how the Qabalah and its basic diagram, the Tree of Life, is a system of relationships among mystical symbols...
In 'Moon Magic' Dion Fortune's heroine, Vivian Le Fay, appears as Lilith Le Fay, and uses her knowledge of moon-tides to construct an astral temple of hermetic magic.
In 'Moon Magic' Dion Fortune's heroine, Vivian Le Fay, appears as Lilith Le Fay, and uses her knowledge of moon-tides to construct an astral temple of...
The Sea Priestess is the highly acclaimed novel in which Dion Fortune introduces her most powerful fictional character, Vivien Le Fay Morgan- a practicing initiate of the Hermetic Path. Vivien has the ability to transform herself into magical images, and here she becomes Morgan Le Fay, sea priestess of Atlantis and foster daughter to Merlin Desperately in love with Vivien, Wilfred Maxwell works by her side at an isolated seaside retreat, investigating these occult mysteries. They soon find themselves inextricably drawn to an ancient cult through which they learn the esoteric significance of...
The Sea Priestess is the highly acclaimed novel in which Dion Fortune introduces her most powerful fictional character, Vivien Le Fay Morgan- a practi...
A manual of magical and mystical techniques for contacting the Goddess within - Draws from two thousand years of source material to demonstrate the ongoing reality of the feminine power and its relevance for today - Includes rituals, exercises, and techniques for evoking the Goddess - Explains how the dynamics of the sacred or magic circle serve as a guide to living harmoniously In this wide-ranging view of magic and ritual, Gareth Knight demonstrates the presence of the Goddess throughout Western esoteric traditions. From Greek myths and the Mysteries of Isis to the emergence...
A manual of magical and mystical techniques for contacting the Goddess within - Draws from two thousand years of source material to demonstrate th...
The Arthurian Formula, the last major work of Dion Fortune, formed the cornerstone of the inner work of her Society of the Inner Light for the following twenty years. It later formed the basis for work by Gareth Knight with the Company of Hawkwood and allied groups in later years, inspiring his book The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend. Dion Fortunes contribution explores the remote sources of the Arthurian legends and the mission of Merlin, played out in the polar relationships between Arthur, Guenivere and Lancelot in both human and faery dynamics, and leading to aspects of the Grail....
The Arthurian Formula, the last major work of Dion Fortune, formed the cornerstone of the inner work of her Society of the Inner Light for the followi...
Dion Fortune played a significant role in modern esotericism, and we are indebted to Gareth Knight for this intriguing biography. Dion Fortune & the Inner Light is enthusiastically recommended to anyone interested in the western esoteric tradition and in the colorful individuals who contributed to it over the last 100 years.
Dion Fortune played a significant role in modern esotericism, and we are indebted to Gareth Knight for this intriguing biography. Dion Fortune & the I...