Wie wird man eigentlich Piratenkönig? Und gibt es wirklich Gespenster? Falls ja, müssen Gespenster auch in die Schule gehen? Ob Pirat oder Gespenst, freche Späße gehören immer dazu. Die besten Geschichten für Jungs in einem Band!
Wie wird man eigentlich Piratenkönig? Und gibt es wirklich Gespenster? Falls ja, müssen Gespenster auch in die Schule gehen? Ob Pirat oder Gespenst,...
Can you say with confidence that your faith is based on the infallible Word of God? Were the Scriptures compiled by a messy group of councils and revised by a multitude of scribes? Is it true that there are errors and contradictions in the Bible and its manuscripts? Are there any corrupted copies of Scripture? Do you know for certain that the version of Scripture you read is a copy of God's preserved Word? The facts and history of the preservation of Scripture are the foundation of our faith upon which depends our eternal destiny. Without His Word, the human race would have no knowledge God....
Can you say with confidence that your faith is based on the infallible Word of God? Were the Scriptures compiled by a messy group of councils and revi...