Robert Kiyosaki s new book 8 Lessons in Leadership draws from his years at the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point and his service in the United Sates Marine Corps. With compelling stories and examples and a engaging way of comparing and contrasting two very different cultures and value systems, Robert shares the challenges he faced in transitioning to civilian life&hellipwhere chain of command and team-over-selfonce so black and whitewere muddy and distorted. "Permission to speak freely, sir?" Count on it. This is Robert Kiyosakiand he does just that, in the forthright and...
Robert Kiyosaki s new book 8 Lessons in Leadership draws from his years at the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point and his service in the Un...
In a world where too many financial advisors do not follow their own advice, here is a book written by experts who practice what they teach and who will teach you to thrive, not merely survive, during turbulent economic times. This is the real deal... The Real Book of Real Estate. The only thing better than one real estate expert teaching you how to invest and win is 20 real estate experts with that same mission. For the first time ever, Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, has assembled in one book an unrivaled cast of real estate wizards and...
In a world where too many financial advisors do not follow their own advice, here is a book written by experts who practice what they teach and who wi...
Few would argue with the fact that, on many fronts, we are a world in crisis. And there are two sides to every crisis, be it a leadership crisis, an economic crisis, an education crisis or a moral crisis. The two side to crisis are danger and opportunity. Robert Kiyosaki s new book, Second Chancefor Your Money and Your Life, uses the lessons from the past and a brutal assessment of the present to prepare readers to seeand seizethe future. If readers can train their minds to see what their eyes cannot, in a world that is becoming increasingly more invisible and moving at a high...
Few would argue with the fact that, on many fronts, we are a world in crisis. And there are two sides to every crisis, be it a leadership crisis, an e...
Warum bleiben die Reichen reich und die Armen arm?
Weil die Reichen ihren Kindern beibringen, wie sie mit Geld umgehen müssen, und die anderen nicht! Die meisten Angestellten verbringen im Laufe ihrer Ausbildung lieber Jahr um Jahr in Schule und Universität, wo sie nichts über Geld lernen, statt selbst erfolgreich zu werden.
Robert T. Kiyosaki hatte in seiner Jugend einen "Rich Dad" und einen "Poor Dad". Nachdem er die Ratschläge des Ersteren beherzigt hatte, konnte er sich mit 47 zur Ruhe setzen. Er hatte gelernt, Geld für sich arbeiten zu lassen, statt andersherum. In Rich Dad Poor...
Warum bleiben die Reichen reich und die Armen arm?
Weil die Reichen ihren Kindern beibringen, wie sie mit Geld umgehen müssen, und die ander...