The aim of this book is to provide an up-to-date account of active galaxies that is appropriate to the background knowledge of amateur astronomers, but might also be picked-up and read for interest by any reader with a scientific bent.
Active galaxies (including Quasars, QSOs, Radio galaxies, BL Lacs, Blazars, LINERS, ULIRGS, Seyfert galaxies, Starburst galaxies, N galaxies, etc.) are a major field of current astronomical research. Up to a fifth of all research astronomers are working on active galaxies. Huge amounts of time on major...
Astronomers' Universe Series
The aim of this book is to provide an up-to-date account of active galaxies that is appropriate to the backgrou...
The purpose of this book is two-fold. Firstly to provide a handy quick source of ref erence of the terms, techniques, instruments, formulas, processes, etc., for practising observers, whether it is their first look through someone else's small telescope, or whether they have spent decades building their own instruments, observing with them and are regularly producing results to rival those of the professionals. It is not principally aimed at professional observers, but in order to be sufficiently compre hensive for its intended audience, many entries have been included which will be relevant...
The purpose of this book is two-fold. Firstly to provide a handy quick source of ref erence of the terms, techniques, instruments, formulas, processes...
Seeing Stars is written for astronomers, regardless of the depth of their theoretical knowledge, who are taking their first steps in observational astronomy. Chris Kitchin and Bob Forrest - both professional astronomers - take a conducted tour of the night sky and suggest suitable observing programmes for everyone from beginners to experts. How is this book different? We are all familiar with the beautiful images of planets and galaxies obtained by spacecraft and giant telescopes - but what can you really see with a small telescope? What should you expect from a small refractor or...
Seeing Stars is written for astronomers, regardless of the depth of their theoretical knowledge, who are taking their first steps in observatio...