(Children's Classics) The adventures of Mowgli, an abandoned man-cub who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle and many other tales in this book use animals in an anthropomorphic manner to give lessons. The other stories in this Fantastica edition include Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a heroic mongoose, and Toomai of the Elephants, the tale of a young elephant-handler. "This is the hour of pride and power, talon and tush and claw. Oh hear the call -good hunting all that keep the Jungle Law "" The Jungle Book contains seven short stories and seven poems. The first three stories are about Mowgli, while...
(Children's Classics) The adventures of Mowgli, an abandoned man-cub who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle and many other tales in this book us...
(Children's Classics) The adventures of Mowgli, an abandoned man-cub who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle and many other tales in this book use animals in an anthropomorphic manner to give lessons. The other stories in this Fantastica edition include Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a heroic mongoose, and Toomai of the Elephants, the tale of a young elephant-handler. "This is the hour of pride and power, talon and tush and claw. Oh hear the call -good hunting all that keep the Jungle Law "" The Jungle Book contains seven short stories and seven poems. The first three stories are about Mowgli, while...
(Children's Classics) The adventures of Mowgli, an abandoned man-cub who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle and many other tales in this book us...
The naulahka, a story of West and East by Rudyard Kipling. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1899 and may have some imperfections such as marks or hand-written notes.
The naulahka, a story of West and East by Rudyard Kipling. This book is a reproduction of the original book published in 1899 and may have some imperf...
Ce recueil de sept nouvelles offre un temoignage de premier rang sur l'armee des Indes et permet de decouvrir la vie des officiers a travers de recits racontes dans un style vigoureux et passionnant."
Ce recueil de sept nouvelles offre un temoignage de premier rang sur l'armee des Indes et permet de decouvrir la vie des officiers a travers de recits...
Le Livre de la Jungle est un recueil de nouvelles dont chacune raconte une histoire qui se passe dans la jungle, foret de l'Inde ou vivent des animaux sauvages typiques du pays, ainsi que des hommes. Les nouvelles se succedent dans un ordre qui n'est pas necessairement chronologique, et permettent de decouvrir par differents cotes la destinee de Mowgli petit d'homme, son education, la vie sociale du monde des animaux, et les lois de la Jungle auxquelles tous sont soumis, les hommes aussi. Les histoires ne se deroulent pas toutes dans la jungle indienne (ainsi, l'histoire des phoques se...
Le Livre de la Jungle est un recueil de nouvelles dont chacune raconte une histoire qui se passe dans la jungle, foret de l'Inde ou vivent des animaux...
Premier roman de Kipling, pour lequel il gardera toujours une affection particuliere, La Lumiere qui s'eteint est une magnifique et tragique histoire, un texte emouvant qui prend le temps d'installer le lecteur dans son histoire. Le heros Dick, est amoureux depuis toujours d'une femme qui le tient a distance tout en l'utilisant pour ses ambitions artistiques. Un triste parcours d'un homme marie au malheur "
Premier roman de Kipling, pour lequel il gardera toujours une affection particuliere, La Lumiere qui s'eteint est une magnifique et tragique histoire,...
Ce roman raconte les histoires dans l'auteur sur les chemins de l'Inde et ont pour theme la vie et la mort, les hommes et les femmes, l'amour et la destinee. Extrait: "Ce jour-la je marchais sur des nuages de gloire. La terre entiere etait trop petite pour me contenir. Parbleu, j'aurais pris le soleil dans le ciel en guise de braise ardente pour rallumer ma pipe, tant j'etais grandiose. Mais quand je fis faire a mes recrues l'exercice d'escouade, je commencai par l'avance generale de bataillon, alors que j'aurais du leur faire marquer le pas.""
Ce roman raconte les histoires dans l'auteur sur les chemins de l'Inde et ont pour theme la vie et la mort, les hommes et les femmes, l'amour et la de...
Captains Courageous is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a railroad tycoon, after he is saved from drowning by Portuguese fisherman in the north Atlantic. The gruff and hearty crew teach the young man to be worth his salt as they fish the waters off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Brimming with adventure and humor.
Captains Courageous is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a rail...
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling A collection of stories written by Rudyard Kipling while he was living in Vermont. All of the stories were published in magazines in 1893-4. The best-known of them are the three stories revolving around the adventures of an abandoned 'man cub' Mowgli who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. The most famous of the other stories are probably "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi," the story of a heroic mongoose, and "Toomai of the Elephants," the tale of a young elephant-handler.
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling A collection of stories written by Rudyard Kipling while he was living in Vermont. All of th...