Object Relations Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis is a collection of Kernberg's papers published or presented during the period from 1966 to 1975, with some new material included as well.
Object Relations Theory and Clinical Psychoanalysis is a collection of Kernberg's papers published or presented during the period from 1966 to 1975, w...
Otto F. Kernberg gibt in diesem Buch zunächst eine umfassende systematische Übersicht über die symptomatologischen, ich-strukturellen und dynamisch-genetischen Merkmale der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Danach geht er auf typische Übertragungs-Gegenübertragungs-Konstellationen bei Borderline-Patienten ein und stellt eine besondere modifizierte Form analytischer Psychotherapie als Behandlungsmethode der Wahl vor. Eine ausführliche Erörterung prognostischer und differentialdiagnostischer Fragen schließt sich an. Dem bei Borderline-Patienten so häufigen inneren Leeregefühl ist...
Otto F. Kernberg gibt in diesem Buch zunächst eine umfassende systematische Übersicht über die symptomatologischen, ich-strukturellen und dynamisch...
Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Clinical Guide presents a model of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and its treatment that is based on contemporary psychoanalytic object relations theory as developed by the leading thinker in the field, Otto Kernberg, M.D., who is also one of the authors of this insightful manual. The model is supported and enhanced by material on current phenomenological and neurobiological research and is grounded in real-world cases that deftly illustrate principles of intervention in ways that mental health professionals...
Transference-Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Clinical Guide presents a model of borderline personality disorder (BPD) ...
American Psychiatric Association Publish Otto F. Kernberg
The influential psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Otto Kernberg presents an integrated update of the current knowledge of personality disorders, their neurobiological and psychodynamic determinants, and a specific psychodynamic psychotherapy geared to resolve the psychopathology of these conditions.
The influential psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Otto Kernberg presents an integrated update of the current knowledge of personality disorders, their ne...