An Italian boy sips from a fountain in the town square. A hiker takes a refreshing drink from a mountain stream. Black-robed women in India stride gracefully through a field with brass water jugs balanced on their heads. Whether they squeeze it out of a burlap bag, haul it home from a communal tap, or get it out of their kitchen faucet, people all around the world are unified by their common need for water. Barbara Kerley brings home this point simply and eloquently in this beautiful and educational picture book that combines striking National Geographic photographs with a poetic text to...
An Italian boy sips from a fountain in the town square. A hiker takes a refreshing drink from a mountain stream. Black-robed women in India strid...
A brilliant portrait of two American heroes from the award-winning creators of "The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According to Susy)." John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were very different. But these two gentlemen did have two things in common: They both cared deeply about the American colonies, and neither cared much for the British tyrant, King George. Full color.
A brilliant portrait of two American heroes from the award-winning creators of "The Extraordinary Mark Twain (According to Susy)." John Adams and Thom...