Cross-Cultural Collaboration is an anthology of essays on Native American involvement in archaeology in the northeastern United States and on the changing relationship between archaeologists and tribes in the region. The contributors examine the process and the details of collaborative case studies, ranging from consultation in compliance with federal, state, and local legislation and regulations (including the National Historic Preservation Act and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) to voluntary cooperation involving education, research, and museum-related projects....
Cross-Cultural Collaboration is an anthology of essays on Native American involvement in archaeology in the northeastern United States and on the chan...
This timely volume offers a compilation of twenty-four articles covering a wide spectrum of topics in Iroquoian archaeology. Culled from leading publications, these essays collectively represent the current state of knowledge and research in the field. A comprehensive research bibliography with more than 500 entries will be a key resource for specialists and nonspecialists alike. Both text and bibliography are structured in five sections: Origins; Precolumbian Dynamics; Postcolumbian Dynamics; Material Culture Studies; and Contemporary Iroquois Perspectives, Repatriation, and Collaborative...
This timely volume offers a compilation of twenty-four articles covering a wide spectrum of topics in Iroquoian archaeology. Culled from leading publi...
Cultural resource management (CRM) involves research, legislation, and education related to the conservation, protection, and interpretation of historic and prehistoric archaeological resources. Kerber's work is divided into four major categories of discussion: theoretical and interpretive frameworks, research methodology, legislation and compliance, and creative protection strategies. The only volume on CRM in Northeastern America since Spiess's Conservation Archaeology in 1978, its contributors are all major participants in archaeology in the Northeast, which includes the six New England...
Cultural resource management (CRM) involves research, legislation, and education related to the conservation, protection, and interpretation of his...
This unique volume focuses on coastal archaeology, lithic analysis, and ceramic analysis within the study of New England archaeology. These topics represent the major research interests of the late distinguished archaeologist Barbara E. Luedtke, to whom the volume is dedicated. During her 25-year career in New England archaeology, Luedtke paved the way for numerous investigations and archaeologists in the region. This book reflects her scholarship's enormous impact and lasting impression on her colleagues and the development of New England archaeology.
The authors discuss various issues...
This unique volume focuses on coastal archaeology, lithic analysis, and ceramic analysis within the study of New England archaeology. These topics ...
Cultural resource management (CRM) involves research, legislation, and education related to the conservation, protection, and interpretation of historic and prehistoric archaeological resources. Kerber's work is divided into four major categories of discussion: theoretical and interpretive frameworks, research methodology, legislation and compliance, and creative protection strategies. The only volume on CRM in Northeastern America since Spiess's Conservation Archaeology in 1978, its contributors are all major participants in archaeology in the Northeast, which includes the six New England...
Cultural resource management (CRM) involves research, legislation, and education related to the conservation, protection, and interpretation of his...