Market: Graduate students in condensed matter and atomic and molecular physics. This engagingly written book introduces the field and provides important information for those making low temperature measurements. Fundamental thermodynamic considerations are covered at the start and the book concludes with commercial applications and an appendix on laser cooling.
Market: Graduate students in condensed matter and atomic and molecular physics. This engagingly written book introduces the field and provides importa...
Leading what appeared to be the ideal life, successful in business and happily married with four children, suddenly the author's life fell apart. Broken-hearted, desperate and finding no answers from traditional therapy, Tony looked elsewhere. In Jerusalem, he met his guide, a man who taught him powerful spiritual practices based upon surrender to the love of God. This surrender eventually took him to the healing of his broken heart and the promise of a new life. In sharing his journey, and these teachings, may you also find healing for your heart. "If you are lost, hurting and alone, the...
Leading what appeared to be the ideal life, successful in business and happily married with four children, suddenly the author's life fell apart. Brok...
Flagships are the physical apogee of consumerism, places where brand experiences are most defined and interactions with consumers are highly refined. This book marks the first comprehensive study of the concept of the flagship, bringing together a range of scholarly insights from the field, covering issues such as consumerism, areas of consumption and experimental marketing theory and practise. The ways in which flagship projects communicate brand values, both externally and internally, form an important part of this book, and provide new perspectives on late twentieth century commercial...
Flagships are the physical apogee of consumerism, places where brand experiences are most defined and interactions with consumers are highly refine...
Awaken Your Inner Magician to Create Abundant Wealth... Experience life's magic by unlocking the hidden knowledge deep within you. We've been given the spiritual secrets to living in abundance, but we need to discover how to apply these principles to every area of life. Many of us live in constriction, with more stress, fear, and emptiness than we care to admit. This book will reveal the secrets within us to access our deep spiritual heart, become more alive and empowered in every facet of our life. Tony Kent shares the spiritual principles that transformed his life from pain, loss, and...
Awaken Your Inner Magician to Create Abundant Wealth... Experience life's magic by unlocking the hidden knowledge deep within you. We've been given th...