Rather than survey of the extensive data, this book focuses on the ideas, methodology and scope of contemporary palaeobiology. It examines the complex interdependence of evolutionary theory and the interpretation of the fossil record. The author demonstrates that this is not the circular argument between pattern and process sometimes alleged, but a matter of understanding carefully the interrelationship between palaeontological and neontological evidence. The first part of the book consists of four chapters outlining the central principles: the nature of the pattern/process relationship,...
Rather than survey of the extensive data, this book focuses on the ideas, methodology and scope of contemporary palaeobiology. It examines the complex...
How did the United States become the twentieth century's dominant economy? What is special about America and the American way of capitalism, that favoured such a rapid climb to wealth and power? And, as the old postwar certainties begin to crumble, is the climax of American capitalism already over? These are the themes addressed in this engrossing book, which gives a chronological, analytical account of the American economy from the late nineteenth century to the end of the Reagan era and beyond.
How did the United States become the twentieth century's dominant economy? What is special about America and the American way of capitalism, that favo...
This new edition is fully updated and revised, incorporating the massive changes in the USSR and China in the 1980's. It offers a series of case-studies charting the progress and assessing the achievement of six industrializing countries outside the Western World. It covers the whole range of economic approaches, from those depending wholly on market forces to those that are completely planned.
This new edition is fully updated and revised, incorporating the massive changes in the USSR and China in the 1980's. It offers a series of case-studi...
Industrialization is still the factor that distinguishes the modern world from the past, and advanced countries from undeveloped ones. In this revised and expanded edition, Tom Kemp uses the historical record of industrialization to explore key questions about its impact and the significance we assign to it. The book adopts a thematic approach to examine the roles of technology, banking, transport and the state; the fate of the peasantry in an industrializing society; and the changing features of industrial capitalism in the latter part of the 19th century. It features four contrasted case...
Industrialization is still the factor that distinguishes the modern world from the past, and advanced countries from undeveloped ones. In this revised...
The Origin of Higher Taxa addresses this essential question, specifically whether the emergence of higher taxa such as orders, classes, and phyla are the result of normal Darwinian evolution acting over a sufficiently long period of time, or whether unusual genetic events and particular environmental and ecological circumstances are also involved. Until very recently, the combination of an incomplete fossil record and a limited understanding about how raw mutations lead via modified ontogenic processes to significant phenotypic changes,...
How do radically new kinds of organisms evolve?
The Origin of Higher Taxa addresses this essential question, specifically whether the emergence of...
This text offers a series of case-studies charting the progress and assessing the achievement of six industrializing countries: Japan, the Soviet Union, India, China, Brazil and Nigeria.
This text offers a series of case-studies charting the progress and assessing the achievement of six industrializing countries: Japan, the Soviet Unio...
Addressed principally to students of economic history and social sciences, this text examines patterns of historical industrialization and has been conceived with the object of moving away from a "Euro-centred" view to take in the experience of non-European countries.
Addressed principally to students of economic history and social sciences, this text examines patterns of historical industrialization and has been co...
A study of American capitalism in the 20th century and the effects that it has had on the world economy. Topics covered range from the historical significance of the New Deal to the theoretical basis of Reaganomics.
A study of American capitalism in the 20th century and the effects that it has had on the world economy. Topics covered range from the historical sign...