This is the first book dedicated to peripheral neuropathies of immune or infectious origin, which are now known to comprise a substantial proportion of disorders of the peripheral nerves. Many of the most important advances in the field were made by contributors to this volume. There are four sections, dealing with biology and epidemiology, patient evaluation, specific clinical syndromes known to be of infectious or immunologic origin, and therapy and management, including rehabilitation. Neurologists will welcome this comprehensive review of the field, which provides an authoritative...
This is the first book dedicated to peripheral neuropathies of immune or infectious origin, which are now known to comprise a substantial proportion o...
Plasma cell dyscrasias are common causes of peripheral neuropathy. Peri pheral neuropathy may be the first manifestation of multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, or monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS). Peripheral neuropathy occurs in more than one-half of patients with osteosclerotic myeloma. The hematologic disorders are such an important association with peripheral polyneuropathy that, for the last decade, we have obtained a metastatic bone survey and immunoelectrophoresis of serum and a 24-hour urine specimen on all patients older than 40 years with undiagnosed peripheral...
Plasma cell dyscrasias are common causes of peripheral neuropathy. Peri pheral neuropathy may be the first manifestation of multiple myeloma, amyloido...