This work explores three key topics in social psychology: the manner in which labor unions shape organizational behavior, a relationship which has been effectively ignored in the literature; the organization of the union itself, a fascinating test case for the organizational psychologist; and the way in which theories and methods of organizational psychology may assist labor organizations in achieving their goals. Since the union maintains unique characteristics of democracy, conflict, and voluntary participation within a larger organization, the authors offer a detailed study of a union's...
This work explores three key topics in social psychology: the manner in which labor unions shape organizational behavior, a relationship which has bee...
Dramatic changes in the composition of today s workforce combined with intense competitive pressures on employers, call for new ways of structuring where, when, and how employees accomplish their job responsibilities. This book makes the business case for flexible working in an organization, and shows how flexitime, job sharing, telecommuting, and compressed work weeks can be used as strategic management tools. Key features: * identifies ways flexible work arrangements can be designed to enhance the personal well-being and job performance of employees, while improving the corporate...
Dramatic changes in the composition of today s workforce combined with intense competitive pressures on employers, call for new ways of structuring wh...
Questions about the causes or sources of work stress have been the subject of considerable research, as well as public fascination, for several decades. Earlier interest in this issue focused on the question of whether some jobs are simply more inherently stressful than others. Other questions that soon emerged asked whether some individuals were more prone to stress than others. The Handbook of Work Stress focuses primarily on identifying the different sources of work stress across different contexts and individuals. The Handbook of Work Stress is essential reading for researchers in the...
Questions about the causes or sources of work stress have been the subject of considerable research, as well as public fascination, for several decade...
E. Kevin Kelloway Julian Barling Joseph J. Hurrell
In the Handbook of Workplace Violence, editors E. Kevin Kelloway, Julian Barling, and Joseph J. Hurrell Jr. bring together the contributions of leading researchers to provide summaries and unique perspectives on current theory, research, and practice relating to workplace violence. This is the only up to date resource currently available to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge regarding all aspects of workplace violence and aggression.
In the Handbook of Workplace Violence, editors E. Kevin Kelloway, Julian Barling, and Joseph J. Hurrell Jr. bring together the contributions of leadin...
Ideal for researchers and graduate students in the social sciences who require knowledge of structural equation modeling techniques to answer substantive research questions, Using Mplus f
Ideal for researchers and graduate students in the social sciences who require knowledge of structural equation modeling techniques to answer substant...
Francois Chiocchio E. Kevin Kelloway Brian, PhD Hobbs
Organizations today are increasingly using projects in their daily activities. Projects and project-management principles frame goal attainment in academia and many business sectors, and they even serve as theoretical footing for organizational-change endeavors. However, the ubiquity of project management does not mean that project work, project teams, and the ways organizations use projects are well understood. Moreover, while project-management theory and practice aim at providing structure and control to enable successful project completion, an alarmingly high percentage of projects...
Organizations today are increasingly using projects in their daily activities. Projects and project-management principles frame goal attainment in aca...
Leading to Occupational Health and Safety brings together prominent researchers to explore the pervasive roles that leaders play in determining the health, safety and mental well-being of employees in organizations.
The first text to directly link organizational leadership behaviours with health and safety outcomes, covering theory, research and evidence-based best practice
Argues that a leader's impact can be far more far-reaching than is commonly realized, and examines the effects of leadership on safety, physical wellness and wellbeing, and psychological...
Leading to Occupational Health and Safety brings together prominent researchers to explore the pervasive roles that leaders play in determin...