This book offers a self-contained account of the 3-manifold invariants arising from the original Jones polynomial. These are the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev and the Turaev-Viro invariants. Starting from the Kauffman bracket model for the Jones polynomial and the diagrammatic Temperley-Lieb algebra, higher-order polynomial invariants of links are constructed and combined to form the 3-manifold invariants. The methods in this book are based on a recoupling theory for the Temperley-Lieb algebra. This recoupling theory is a q-deformation of the SU(2) spin networks of Roger Penrose.
This book offers a self-contained account of the 3-manifold invariants arising from the original Jones polynomial. These are the Witten-Reshetikhin...
This book is based on the authors' research on rendering images of higher dimensional fractals by a distance estimation technique. It is self-contained, giving a careful treatment of both the known techniques and the authors' new methods. The distance estimation technique was originally applied to Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set in the complex plane. It was justified, through the work of Douady and Hubbard, by deep results in complex analysis. In this book the authors generalise the distance estimation to quatemionic and other higher dimensional fractals, including fractals derived from...
This book is based on the authors' research on rendering images of higher dimensional fractals by a distance estimation technique. It is self-containe...
Andrzej Stasiak Vaevolod Katrich Louis H. Kauffman
In this book, experts in different fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology present unique forms of knots which satisfy certain preassigned criteria relevant to a given field. They discuss the shapes of knotted magnetic flux lines, the forms of knotted arrangements of bistable chemical systems, the trajectories of knotted solitons, and the shapes of knots which can be tied using the shortest piece of elastic rope with a constant diameter.
In this book, experts in different fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology present unique forms of knots which satisfy certain preassign...
This invaluable book is an introduction to knot and link invariants as generalised amplitudes for a quasi-physical process. The demands of knot theory, coupled with a quantum-statistical framework, create a context that naturally and powerfully includes a extraordinary range of interrelated topics in topology and mathematical physics. The author takes a primarily combinatorial stance toward knot theory and its relations with these subjects. This stance has the advantage of providing direct access to the algebra and to the combinatorial topology, as well as physical ideas.
The book is...
This invaluable book is an introduction to knot and link invariants as generalised amplitudes for a quasi-physical process. The demands of knot theory...
Cameron Gordon Vaughan F. R. Jones Louis H. Kauffman
There have been exciting developments in the area of knot theory in recent years. They include Thurston's work on geometric structures on 3-manifolds (e.g. knot complements), Gordon-Luecke work on surgeries on knots, Jones' work on invariants of links in S3, and advances in the theory of invariants of 3-manifolds based on Jones- and Vassiliev-type invariants of links. Jones ideas and Thurston's idea are connected by the following path: hyperbolic structures, PSL(2, C) representations, character varieties, quantization of the coordinate ring of the variety to skein modules (i.e. Kauffman,...
There have been exciting developments in the area of knot theory in recent years. They include Thurston's work on geometric structures on 3-manifolds ...
This volume gathers the contributions from the international conference "Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology 2006," which took place in Hiroshima in 2006. The aim of this volume is to promote research in low dimensional topology with the focus on knot theory and related topics. The papers include comprehensive reviews and some latest results.
This volume gathers the contributions from the international conference "Intelligence of Low Dimensional Topology 2006," which took place in Hiroshima...
Provides an introduction to knot and link invariants as generalized amplitudes for a quasi-physical process. This title covers frictional properties of knots, relations with combinatorics, and knots in dynamical systems. It includes articles Khovanov Homology.
Provides an introduction to knot and link invariants as generalized amplitudes for a quasi-physical process. This title covers frictional properties o...
A truly Galilean-class volume, this book introduces a new method in theory formation, completing the tools of epistemology. It covers a broad spectrum of theoretical and mathematical physics by researchers from over 20 nations from four continents. Like Vigier himself, the Vigier symposia are noted for addressing avant-garde, cutting-edge topics in contemporary physics. Among the six proceedings honoring J.-P. Vigier, this is perhaps the most exciting one as several important breakthroughs are introduced for the first time. The most interesting breakthrough in view of the recent NIST...
A truly Galilean-class volume, this book introduces a new method in theory formation, completing the tools of epistemology. It covers a broad spectrum...