Against a backdrop of racial tensions and spanning four decades, JOSHUA: A Brooklyn Tale explores the entanglements of three lives: Joshua Eubanks, a young black man struggling to overcome the crime, drugs, and despair of the streets; Rachel Weissman, daughter of a Hassidic rabbi, wrestling pangs of rebelliousness against the insular and restrictive practices of her religion; and Paul Sims, the product of a privileged Long Island Jewish family, yearning to escape his troubled past. Joshua first encounters Rachel in the local synagogue, where he works as an assistant to the custodian. Over the...
Against a backdrop of racial tensions and spanning four decades, JOSHUA: A Brooklyn Tale explores the entanglements of three lives: Joshua Eubanks, a ...
Descending from a long line of revered rabbis, Yakov is expected to follow in his father's footsteps as the leader of an ultra-Orthodox community in Brooklyn. But for Yakov, who questions his faith from an early age, becoming a rabbi is more an obligation than a calling. One summer, he discovers love in Rebecca, a young woman who challenges both his beliefs and his doubts. All too quickly, a family secret tears them apart and their lives diverge. Confused and curious, Yakov pursues a secular education alongside his rabbinical training. A chance encounter reunites him with Rebecca, who he...
Descending from a long line of revered rabbis, Yakov is expected to follow in his father's footsteps as the leader of an ultra-Orthodox community in B...