This text focuses on options and futures as trading tools and explores their validity from an Islamic legal point of view. After reviewing the existing rules of Islamic law of contract and verifying their relevance or otherwise to futures trading, the author advances a new perspective on the issue of futures and options based on an interpretation of the Qur'an and the Sunna and referring to the principle of mashala (consideration of public interest) as enshrined in the Shari'ah.
This text focuses on options and futures as trading tools and explores their validity from an Islamic legal point of view. After reviewing the existin...
In Freedom, Equality and Justice in Islam, M H Kamali presents the reader with an analysis of the three concepts of freedom, equality and justice from an Islamic point of view and their manifestations in the religious, social, legal and political fields. The author discusses the evidence to be found for these concepts in the Qur'an and Sunna, and reviews the interpretations of the earlier schools of law. The work also looks at more recent contributions by Muslim jurists who have advanced fresh interpretations of freedom, equality and justice in the light of the changing realities of...
In Freedom, Equality and Justice in Islam, M H Kamali presents the reader with an analysis of the three concepts of freedom, equality and justi...
Wie steht es um die Vereinbarkeit von Islam und Menschenrechten? Wiederholt wird eine vermeintliche Unvereinbarkeit behauptet, die u.a. auf der Annahme fusst, dass die Menschenrechte ihren genuinen Ursprung im christlich-fortschrittlichen Abendland hatten. Mit Mohammad Hashim Kamali und Saffet Kose befassen sich zwei Wissenschaftler aus verschiedenen Gegenden der islamischen Welt mit den Menschenrechten aus einer sachlich-kritischen islamischen Binnenperspektive heraus. Anhand von Koran und Sunna weisen die Autoren eine Vielzahl von Menschenrechtsaspekten nach und zeigen ein weit...
Wie steht es um die Vereinbarkeit von Islam und Menschenrechten? Wiederholt wird eine vermeintliche Unvereinbarkeit behauptet, die u.a. auf der Annahm...
Winner of the I.R. Iran World Award for Book of the Year In The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam, leading Islamic law expert Mohammad Hashim Kamali examines the concept of wasatiyyah, or moderation, arguing that scholars, religious communities, and policy circles alike must have access to this governing principle that drives the silent majority of Muslims, rather than focusing on the extremist fringe. Kamali explores wasatiyyah in both historical/conceptual terms and in contemporary/practical terms. Tracing the definition and scope of the...
Winner of the I.R. Iran World Award for Book of the Year In The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam, leading Islamic law ...
This book presents 25 selected papers from the International Conference on "Developing Synergies between Islam & Science and Technology for Mankind's Benefit" held at the International Institute for Advanced Islamic Studies Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, in October 2014.
This book presents 25 selected papers from the International Conference on "Developing Synergies between Islam & Science and Technology for Mankind's ...