This book undertakes a critical analysis of some central problems in Hegel scholarship. It is concerned with clarifying the theoretical underpinnings of paradox, the possible relationship of paradox to a dialectic logic, and the possibilities of systematization of dialectic and/or paradox. The author begins with a discussion of current attitudes toward paradox in mathematics, science, and logic, and then moves gradually toward a differentiation of philosophical paradox in the strict sense from literary, religious, and logic paradox. The relationship of dialect to paradox is elucidated by...
This book undertakes a critical analysis of some central problems in Hegel scholarship. It is concerned with clarifying the theoretical underpinnin...
A. "SEPARATE SUBSTANCES" AND lOR" ANGELS"? It is interesting to note that, in an expressly theological treatise such as the Summa theologiae, St. Thomas generally uses the term "angel", in preference to "separate substance"; while in works with a less explicit theological intent - e. g. the Summa contra gentiles and the De substantiis separatis 1 - he generally prefers the term "separate substance". But at any rate there is little doubt that the two terms, "separate sub- stance" and "angel" have a certain interchangeability and equivalence in the works of St. Thomas. In other words, "the...
A. "SEPARATE SUBSTANCES" AND lOR" ANGELS"? It is interesting to note that, in an expressly theological treatise such as the Summa theologiae, St. Thom...
Ethics is burdened with an overload of theoretical and practical questions which belong more properly in the sphere of aesthetics, religion, politics, and/or law. This book is concerned with separating what is strictly ethical and what is not. It paves the way for a clear definition of the "moral good" and also for some final practical conclusions regarding the proper categorization and treatment of contemporary moral problems such as abortion, pornography, and nuclear escalation.
Ethics is burdened with an overload of theoretical and practical questions which belong more properly in the sphere of aesthetics, religion, politi...
A reexamination of democracy, which during the eighteenthcentury Enlightenment seemed to offer a much-desired escape from arbitrary class structures and oppressive governments, but has not proven to be a sure formula or a simple solution. An awareness of the true complexities of democracy requires an understanding of a perennial dialectic residing at the heart of democracy, and manifesting itself in specific dialectical relationships: between elitism and populism, liberty and equality, smallness and bigness, religion and secular life, politics and economics, etc. This book argues that such...
A reexamination of democracy, which during the eighteenthcentury Enlightenment seemed to offer a much-desired escape from arbitrary class structure...
"The writers represented are somewhat more diverse than is usual in collections of this sort (they include Dante, Erasmus, Kant, Lorenz, and Rawls). Kainz has helpfully arranged the selections in six categories, each emphasizing a different means of achieving peace (ranging from world government to psychological mechanisms to considerations of justice). The brevity and accessibility of most of the excerpts, together with the fact that each is placed in context by a brief introductory note, would make this a useful resource for instructors who wish to provide their students with a...
"The writers represented are somewhat more diverse than is usual in collections of this sort (they include Dante, Erasmus, Kant, Lorenz, and Rawls)...