Columbus is the first blazing star in a constellation of European adventurers whose right to claim and conquer each land mass they encountered was absolutely unquestioned by their countrymen. How a system of religious beliefs made the taking of the New World possible and laudable is the focus of Kadir's timely review of the founding doctrines of empire.
The language of prophecy and divine predestination fills the pronouncements of those who ventured across the Atlantic. The effects of such language and their implications for current theoretical debates about colonialism and decolonization...
Columbus is the first blazing star in a constellation of European adventurers whose right to claim and conquer each land mass they encountered was abs...
Questing Fictions was first published in 1986. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.
Questing Fictions analyzes twentieth-century Latin American fiction in the light of contemporary literary theory. Djelal Kadir examines key works by several writers--including Jorges Luis Borges, Octavio Paz, Lezama Lima, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, and Carlos Fuentes--and demonstrates how these writers are obliged to invent their own...
Questing Fictions was first published in 1986. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again ...
Memos from the Besieged City argues for the institutional and cultural relevance of literary study through foundational figures, from the 1200s to today, who defied precarious circumstances to make significant contributions to literacy and civilization in the face of infelicitous human acts. Focusing on historically vital crossroads--Baghdad, Florence, Byzantium, Istanbul, Rome, Paris, New York, Mexico City, Jerusalem, Beijing, Stockholm, Warsaw--Kadir looks at how unconventional and nonconformist writings define literacy, culture, and intellectual commitment. Inspired by political...
Memos from the Besieged City argues for the institutional and cultural relevance of literary study through foundational figures, from the 1200s...
Memos from the Besieged City argues for the institutional and cultural relevance of literary study through foundational figures, from the 1200s to today, who defied precarious circumstances to make significant contributions to literacy and civilization in the face of infelicitous human acts. Focusing on historically vital crossroads--Baghdad, Florence, Byzantium, Istanbul, Rome, Paris, New York, Mexico City, Jerusalem, Beijing, Stockholm, Warsaw--Kadir looks at how unconventional and nonconformist writings define literacy, culture, and intellectual commitment. Inspired by political...
Memos from the Besieged City argues for the institutional and cultural relevance of literary study through foundational figures, from the 1200s...