Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman serve up a delicious banquet of wise tales from the world's greatest spiritual traditions in the pages of this delightful collection. A feast filled with timeless moral and spiritual lessons, these lively tales and
Jack Kornfield and Christina Feldman serve up a delicious banquet of wise tales from the world's greatest spiritual traditions in the pages of this...
Now in paperback, the guide to living a meaningful life from the world stress expert" The] journey toward health and sanity is nothing less than an invitation to wake up to the fullness of our lives as if they actually mattered . . ." --Jon Kabat-Zinn, from the Introduction Ten years ago, Jon Kabat-Zinn changed the way we thought about awareness in everyday life with his now-classic introduction to mindfulness, Wherever You Go, There You Are. Now, with Coming to Our Senses, he provides the definitive book for our time on the...
Now in paperback, the guide to living a meaningful life from the world stress expert" The] journey toward health and s...
Through narrative, guided exercises, and meditations, Here For Now was the first book to apply the principles of mindfulness meditation to living with cancer. This book empowers the reader to transform suffering into compassion and joy. Follow Elana's journey as she experiences the shock of her own cancer diagnosis, the vulnerability of being a patient, the gratitude of survival and recovery, as well as the ability to live with uncertainty and help others live wholly and fully. Elana's career and life experience combine to make her a unique and powerful voice on living with cancer, one which...
Through narrative, guided exercises, and meditations, Here For Now was the first book to apply the principles of mindfulness meditation to living with...
Yes, there actually is a way to let everything become your teacher, to let life itself, and everything that unfolds within it, the "full catastrophe" of the human condition in the words of Zorba the Greek, shape your ongoing development and maturation. Millions have followed this path to greater sanity, balance, and well-being, often in the face of huge stress, pain, uncertainty, sorrow, and illness. In his landmark book, Full Catastrophe Living, Jon Kabat-Zinn shared this innovative approach, known as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), with the world....
Yes, there actually is a way to let everything become your teacher, to let life itself, and everything that unfolds within it, the "full catast...
Jon Kabat-Zinn wendet sich in seinem neuesten Set geführter Meditationen der Weisheit unserer Sinne zu. Praxisnah und leicht anwendbar stehen hier unser Atem, unsere Gedanken, die uns umgebenden Geräusche sowie die sinnliche Präsenz unseres Körpers im Mittelpunkt.§Sechs geführte Meditationen lassen uns zur Besinnung kommen und laden uns ein, jeden Augenblick unseres Lebens mit größerer Wachheit, Klarheit und Akzeptanz zu leben. Achtsamkeit beim Atmen, Hören, Denken und Fühlen ermöglicht uns im gegenwärtigen Moment anzukommen, uns zu regenerieren und unser inneres Gleichgewicht...
Jon Kabat-Zinn wendet sich in seinem neuesten Set geführter Meditationen der Weisheit unserer Sinne zu. Praxisnah und leicht anwendbar stehen hier un...
With Search Inside Yourself, Chade-Meng Tan, one of Google's earliest engineers and personal growth pioneer, offers a proven method for enhancing mindfulness and emotional intelligence in life and work.
Meng's job is to teach Google's best and brightest how to apply mindfulness techniques in the office and beyond; now, readers everywhere can get insider access to one of the most sought after classes in the country, a course in health, happiness and creativity that is improving the livelihood and productivity of those responsible for one of the most successful businesses in...
With Search Inside Yourself, Chade-Meng Tan, one of Google's earliest engineers and personal growth pioneer, offers a proven method for en...
Mindfulness-based approaches to medicine, psychology, neuroscience, healthcare, education, business leadership, and other major societal institutions have become increasingly common. New paradigms are emerging from a confluence of two powerful and potentially synergistic epistemologies: one arising from the wisdom traditions of Asia and the other arising from post-enlightenment empirical science. This book presents the work of internationally renowned experts in the fields of Buddhist scholarship and scientific research, as well as looking at the implementation of mindfulness in healthcare...
Mindfulness-based approaches to medicine, psychology, neuroscience, healthcare, education, business leadership, and other major societal institutions ...
Simple mindfulness practices to help your child (ages 5-12) deal with anxiety, improve concentration, and handle difficult emotions. Includes a 60-minute audio CD of guided exercises read by Myla Kabat-Zinn. Mindfulness the quality of attention that combines full awareness with acceptance of each moment, just as it is is gaining broad acceptance among mental health professionals as an adjunct to treatment. This little book is a very appealing introduction to mindfulness meditation for children and their parents. In a simple and accessible way, it describes what mindfulness is...
Simple mindfulness practices to help your child (ages 5-12) deal with anxiety, improve concentration, and handle difficult emotions. Includes a...
The landmark work on mindfulness, meditation, and healing, now revised and updated after twenty-five years Stress. It can sap our energy, undermine our health if we let it, even shorten our lives. It makes us more vulnerable to anxiety and depression, disconnection and disease. Based on Jon Kabat-Zinn's renowned mindfulness-based stress reduction program, this classic, groundbreaking work--which gave rise to a whole new field in medicine and psychology--shows you how to use medically proven mind-body approaches derived from meditation and yoga to counteract stress,...
The landmark work on mindfulness, meditation, and healing, now revised and updated after twenty-five years Stress. It can sap o...