"Spirituality" often takes us out of the public world to a more inward (so-called "mystical") space, while "politics" calls us beyond ourselves to the more material realities of social embodiment.
"Spirituality" often takes us out of the public world to a more inward (so-called "mystical") space, while "politics" calls us beyond ourselves to the...
Theology and Scriptural Imagination brings together biblical exegetes, historians of the interpretation of Scripture, as well as contemporary philosophers and theologians who practice the kind of theological reflection it will take to celebrate the Word in season and out in a world that challenges the Scriptural imagination. As in previous volumes in this series, the essays here articulate overlapping as well as competing directions in modern theology. The editors hope that readers will seek out the common ground as well as the conflicts, to learn to taste the Word when it is bitter...
Theology and Scriptural Imagination brings together biblical exegetes, historians of the interpretation of Scripture, as well as contemporary...
A topic unjustly neglected in contemporary theology, forgiveness is often taken to be either too easy or too difficult. On the one hand is the conception of forgiveness that views it mainly as a move made for the well-being of the forgiver. On the other hand, forgiveness is sometimes made too difficult by suggestions that violence is the only effective force for responding to injustice. In this exciting and innovative book, L. Gregory Jones argues that neither of these extreme views is appropriate and shows how practices of Christian forgiveness are richer and more comprehensive than...
A topic unjustly neglected in contemporary theology, forgiveness is often taken to be either too easy or too difficult. On the one hand is the concept...
Christians are of two minds about excellence. We commend excellent teaching, seek out excellent health care, and celebrate excellence in the arts. When a Christian life or congregation is described as excellent, however, we suspect that ambition or success may be getting the better of us. Resurrecting Excellence aims to rekindle and encourage among Christian leaders an unselfish ambition for the gospel that shuns both competition and mediocrity and rightly focuses on the beauty, power, and excellence of living as faithful disciples of the crucified and risen Christ. Drawing on ancient...
Christians are of two minds about excellence. We commend excellent teaching, seek out excellent health care, and celebrate excellence in the arts. Whe...
In The Scope of Our Art a diverse group of theological teachers explores the spiritual dimensions of their vocation as religious educators. Drawing on a rich array of resources, including Scripture, The Rule of St.Benedict, medieval women mystics, the Methodist theologian Georgia Harkness, and Simone Weil, as well as their own teaching experiences, the contributors discuss the vital relationships between academic and spiritual formation, religious commitments and teaching practices, and individual and institutional vocation. Contributors: Michael Battle W. Clark Gilpin Paul J. Griffiths L....
In The Scope of Our Art a diverse group of theological teachers explores the spiritual dimensions of their vocation as religious educators. Drawing on...
Christians are supposed to forgive others as we've been forgiven. But hearing the call to forgive is different from knowing how to practice forgiveness at home and in the world. Forgiveness is about more than the isolated acts and words of individuals. To forgive and be forgiven, we need communal practices and disciplines for a way of life that makes for peace. Greg Jones and Celestin Musekura describe how churches and communities can cultivate the habits that make forgiveness possible on a daily basis. Following the Rwandan genocide, Musekura lost his father and other family members to...
Christians are supposed to forgive others as we've been forgiven. But hearing the call to forgive is different from knowing how to practice forgivenes...
Everybody seems interested in innovation and entrepreneurship these days. Start-ups are generating new jobs, creating wealth and providing solutions to longstanding problems. People are also aware that old-line social institutions need innovative approaches that provide renewal, re-establish trust and cultivate sustainability.
What do faith communities have to do with innovation and entrepreneurship? Faith communities have their own need for innovation, demonstrated in a growing interest in starting new churches, developing "fresh expressions" for gatherings of community and discussions...
Everybody seems interested in innovation and entrepreneurship these days. Start-ups are generating new jobs, creating wealth and providing solutions t...