This book provides a detailed listing of titles authored by William Taylor Adams under his own name, as well as under his various pseudonyms. It includes books, book-length serializations, and children's magazines edited by Adams. The main section lists the titles chronologically, providing information on the publisher, illustrators and engravers, and reprint publishers, in addition to story descriptions and review excerpts. Separate listings of series titles, series titles by reprint publishers, publisher names, and serial titles appearing in magazines or newspapers provide additional...
This book provides a detailed listing of titles authored by William Taylor Adams under his own name, as well as under his various pseudonyms. It in...
This unique reference work offers a comprehensive listing of all "Little Golden Book" titles issued from the inception of the series in 1942 through 1985. Included are all titles issued in the familiar "Little Golden Book" format, and various subseries such as "Ding Dong School Books," "Giant Little Golden Books," "Little Golden Activity Books," and "Walt Disney Books." Entries are arranged alphabetically by title, and consist of the complete title, author(s), illustrator(s), place of publication, publisher, and date. Additional information may include the Library of Congress card number,...
This unique reference work offers a comprehensive listing of all "Little Golden Book" titles issued from the inception of the series in 1942 throug...