How many bones are there in the human body? Which bone is the longest? Or the smallest? Without bones, you would be a blob, like a jellyfish or a worm. Our bones support us and protect our insides. They work together with our muscles to allow us to do all the things we do So when you think of your bones, say "Thank you "
This simple Step 2 introduction teaches young readers these facts and many more about the skeleton inside each of us
How many bones are there in the human body? Which bone is the longest? Or the smallest? Without bones, you would be a blob, like a jellyfish or a worm...
THE ONLY AUTHORIZED STORY OF THE MONKEES THE 60'S PHENOMENON THAT BECAME AN 80'S PHENOMALY* "There are autobiographies...and there are ought-to-buy...ographies. This is definitely the best ography I personally can ever remember writing." -David Jones- "Fascinating...controversial...hilarious...yet subtly poignant, somehow. As the authoritative account of the entire Monkees phenomenon-it is unparallelled. As the story of my daddy's extraordinary life-I found it useful reading." -Jessica Jones- (age 5) "I haven't read it yet." -Peter Tork- "I don't want to talk about The Monkees." -Mike...
THE ONLY AUTHORIZED STORY OF THE MONKEES THE 60'S PHENOMENON THAT BECAME AN 80'S PHENOMALY* "There are autobiographies...and there are ought-to-buy......