Hans Joas' Arbeit rekonstruiert das Meadsche Werk in seiner Entwicklung. Als zentral für die gesamte Interpretation erweist sich der Begriff "praktische Intersubjektivität". Meads Begriff der Intersubjektivität wird am Modell gemeinsamen Handelns gewonnen, so daß Intersubjektivität nicht auf kontemplative oder bloß sprachliche Formen reduziert wird.
Hans Joas' Arbeit rekonstruiert das Meadsche Werk in seiner Entwicklung. Als zentral für die gesamte Interpretation erweist sich der Begriff "praktis...
The Varieties of Transcendence traces American pragmatist thought on religion and its relevance for theorizing religion today. The volume establishes pragmatist concepts of religious individualization as powerful alternatives to the more common secularization discourse. In stressing the importance of Josiah Royce's work, it emphasizes religious individualism's compatibility with community. At the same time, by covering all of the major classical pragmatist theories of religion, it shows their kinship and common focus on the interrelation between the challenges of contingency and the semiotic...
The Varieties of Transcendence traces American pragmatist thought on religion and its relevance for theorizing religion today. The volume establishes ...
George Herbert Mead is widely considered one of the most influential American philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work remains vibrant and relevant to many areas of scholarly inquiry today. The Timeliness of George Herbert Mead brings together a range of scholars who provide detailed analyses of Mead's importance to innovative fields of scholarship, including cognitive science, environmental studies, democratic epistemology, and social ethics, non-teleological historiography, and the history of the natural and social sciences. Edited by well-respected Mead scholars Hans...
George Herbert Mead is widely considered one of the most influential American philosophers of the twentieth century, and his work remains vibrant and ...