This book is the standard reference manual of cancer registration methodology and uses. It provides guidelines on all aspects, such as the establishment of a registry, collection, coding, verification and analysis of data, and the uses to which cancer registry data may be put. Emphasis is on population-based registration, which provides information on a defined population and permits calculation of incidence rates. Such registries are useful in cancer epidemiology (identification of possible aetiological factors), in planning future health services, and in monitoring the effectiveness of...
This book is the standard reference manual of cancer registration methodology and uses. It provides guidelines on all aspects, such as the establishme...
Offers solutions or inspirations in modern mechanisms for engineers and inventors including the slider crank, cycloid, and screw and clamping mechanisms.
Offers solutions or inspirations in modern mechanisms for engineers and inventors including the slider crank, cycloid, and screw and clamping mechanis...
This book includes an introduction to some important reliability concepts and a review of terminology. The work is divided into three sections: modelling, evaluation and assurance.
This book includes an introduction to some important reliability concepts and a review of terminology. The work is divided into three sections: modell...
This book shows how to deal with the early failures that invariably plague product manufacturers whether the product be components or complete systems, electronic or mechanical devices. The text provides a basic understanding of why failure patterns appear as they do in real life and then shows how to cope with the problem on a sound engineering basis. Burn-in is used to eliminate early failures in components or systems and the book shows how to analyse and plan a burn-in procedure, balancing the needs of reliability and cost. The models that are presented are simple but they do nevertheless...
This book shows how to deal with the early failures that invariably plague product manufacturers whether the product be components or complete systems...
This book originated in an international conference on Values in medical Decision Making held at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, in June 1988. This was the second conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESPMH), which was founded in Maastricht, the Netherlands, in 1987. ESPMH aims at promoting philosophy of medicine and health care in a wide sense and at stimulating contacts between European scholars in this field.
This book originated in an international conference on Values in medical Decision Making held at the University of Aarhus, Denmark, in June 1988. This...