Central planning might be disappearing from large parts of what was the socialist world but viable economic systems are yet to emerge to take its place. Integrating these countries within the international economic system and developing market economies within them are likely to remain amongst the most pressing of economic problems for the forseeable future. The Socialist Economies and the Transition to the Market is unique in providing a detailed account of each of the individual socialist countries as well as an analysis of the various routes they might take to the market. Whilst some...
Central planning might be disappearing from large parts of what was the socialist world but viable economic systems are yet to emerge to take its plac...
An excellent companion volume to the successful A History of Eastern Europe, this is a country-by-country treatment of the contemporary history of each of the Balkan states: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosova.
With a distinctive conceptual framework for explaining divergent patterns of historical change, the book shifts the emphasis away from traditional cultural explanations and concentrates on the pervasive influence of strongly entrenched vertical power-structures and power-relations.
Focusing on political...
An excellent companion volume to the successful A History of Eastern Europe, this is a country-by-country treatment of the contemporary history of ...
An excellent companion volume to the successful A History of Eastern Europe, this is a country-by-country treatment of the contemporary history of each of the Balkan states: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosova.
With a distinctive conceptual framework for explaining divergent patterns of historical change, the book shifts the emphasis away from traditional cultural explanations and concentrates on the pervasive influence of strongly entrenched vertical power-structures and power-relations.
Focusing on...
An excellent companion volume to the successful A History of Eastern Europe, this is a country-by-country treatment of the contemporary hi...
Following on from Jeffries' 2001 Economies in Transition: A Guide to China, Cuba, Mongolia, North Korea and Vietnam at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century, this comprehensive survey of economic and political change focuses on the countries of Eastern Europe. Jeffries also discusses the general issues involved in economic transition, including big bang'/'shock therapy', gradualism, China as an economic model and various schemes of privatization. The book examines Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Analysing major political and economic...
Following on from Jeffries' 2001 Economies in Transition: A Guide to China, Cuba, Mongolia, North Korea and Vietnam at the Turn of the Twenty-Firs...
This book focuses on the recent political and economic events in the former Yugoslavia. The author presents a clear, detailed and accessible breakdown of the developments in: Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Slovenia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro). The role of the West in the more unstable countries of the Former Yugoslavia has been reassessed in the light of the terrorist attacks on the United States and the fall of Afghanistan. The involvement of the US, in particular, in countries affected by ethnic strife has...
This book focuses on the recent political and economic events in the former Yugoslavia. The author presents a clear, detailed and accessible breakd...
Following the highly successful Economies in Transition: A Guide to China, Cuba, Mongolia, North Korea and Vietnam at the turn of the twenty-first century (published in the Routledge Studies in Development Economics series), Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century: A guide to the economies in transition and The Former Yugoslavia at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century: A guide to the economies in transition, this book is the first of two which focuses on economic and political events in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The author presents a clear, detailed and...
Following the highly successful Economies in Transition: A Guide to China, Cuba, Mongolia, North Korea and Vietnam at the turn of the twenty-first cen...
Ian Jeffries provides details of economic and political developments in North Korea since 1989 when the Communist world began to change irrevocably. Developments are arranged chronologically by sector.
Ian Jeffries provides details of economic and political developments in North Korea since 1989 when the Communist world began to change irrevocably. D...
There is currently widespread interest in the Chinese economy, due to its huge and rapid growth, and the consequent impact on world business and the world economy. At the same time, there are concerns about China's political system, China's human rights record and the degree to which reform - the development of 'socialism with Chinese characteristics' - represent real liberalization.
Providing an overview of earlier events in order to set the context in which economic and political development have taken place, the book traces economic and political growth in China from the early...
There is currently widespread interest in the Chinese economy, due to its huge and rapid growth, and the consequent impact on world business and th...
Winning the Vietnam War proved easier than winning the peace. Since 1975, the reunited country has faced the problem of how a poorer, planned economy in which state ownership and control could successfully absorb a more advanced, capitalist economy. In addition, the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War heralded a new age in Vietnam's internal and external relations.
Vietnam traces developments since the end of the Vietnam War, including recent economic reforms, the politics of the Communist Party, and the re-establishment of relations with the United States. It gives a...
Winning the Vietnam War proved easier than winning the peace. Since 1975, the reunited country has faced the problem of how a poorer, planned econo...