A sweeping history of twentieth-century Europe, Out of Ashes tells the story of an era of unparalleled violence and barbarity yet also of humanity, prosperity, and promise.
Konrad Jarausch describes how the European nations emerged from the nineteenth century with high hopes for continued material progress and proud of their imperial command over the globe, only to become embroiled in the bloodshed of World War I, which brought an end to their optimism and gave rise to competing democratic, communist, and fascist ideologies. He shows how the 1920s witnessed renewed hope and a...
A sweeping history of twentieth-century Europe, Out of Ashes tells the story of an era of unparalleled violence and barbarity yet also of hu...
The bringing down of the Berlin Wall is one of the most vivid images and historic events of the late twentieth century. The reunification of Germany has transformed the face of Europe. In one stunning year, two separate states with clashing ideologies, hostile armies, competing economies, and incompatible social systems merged into one. The speed and extent of the reunification was so great that many people are still trying to understand the events. Initial elation has given way to the realities and problems posed in reuniting two such different systems. The Rush to German Unity...
The bringing down of the Berlin Wall is one of the most vivid images and historic events of the late twentieth century. The reunification of Germany h...
In the spring of 1945, as the German army fell in defeat and the world first learned of the unspeakable crimes of the Holocaust, few would have expected that, only half a century later, the Germans would emerge as a prosperous people at the forefront of peaceful European integration. How did the Germans manage to recover from the shattering experience of defeat in World War II and rehabilitate themselves from the shame and horror of the Holocaust? In After Hitler, Konrad H. Jarausch shows how Germany's determination to emphasize civility and civil society, destroyed by the Nazi...
In the spring of 1945, as the German army fell in defeat and the world first learned of the unspeakable crimes of the Holocaust, few would have expect...
The pioneering texts in quantitative history were written over two decades ago, but as a command of methodological context, computer experience, and statistical literacy have become increasingly important to the study of history, the need for an introductory text addressing these matters has increased. Quantitative Methods for Historians is a theoretical and practical guide for the application of quantitative analysis in historical research. It is designed for students of history and related disciplines who are curious about the possibilities of quantification and want to learn more...
The pioneering texts in quantitative history were written over two decades ago, but as a command of methodological context, computer experience, and s...
Broken glass, twisted beams, piles of debris--these are the early memories of the children who grew up amidst the ruins of the Third Reich. More than five decades later, German youth inhabit manicured suburbs and stroll along prosperous pedestrian malls. Shattered Past is a bold reconsideration of the perplexing pattern of Germany's twentieth-century history. Konrad Jarausch and Michael Geyer explore the staggering gap between the country's role in the terrors of war and its subsequent success as a democracy. They argue that the collapse of Communism, national reunification, and the...
Broken glass, twisted beams, piles of debris--these are the early memories of the children who grew up amidst the ruins of the Third Reich. More th...
The traces of the Cold War are still visible in many places all around the world. It is the topic of exhibits and new museums, of memorial days and historic sites, of documentaries and movies, of arts and culture. There are historical and political controversies, both nationally and internationally, about how the history of the Cold War should be told and taught, how it should be represented and remembered. While much has been written about the political history of the Cold War, the analysis of its memory and representation is just beginning. Bringing together a wide range of scholars,...
The traces of the Cold War are still visible in many places all around the world. It is the topic of exhibits and new museums, of memorial days and...
Georg G. Iggers Konrad H. Jarausch Matthias Middel
Die Aufsatze gehen aus einer Tagung hervor, die im 1996 in Gottingen stattfand. Sie geben einer grossen Vielfalt von Perspektiven Raum. West- und ostdeutsche Wissenschaftler der unterschiedlichen Generationen und methodischen Ansatze kommen dabei zu Wort. Innen- und Aussensicht, innerdeutsche Nahe und transatlantische Distanz bildeten den Rahmen, in dem sich die Diskussion bewegt. Neue Quellen und innovative Ansatze fuhren zu einem tieferen Verstandnis der Widerspruchlichkeit ostdeutscher Geschichtswissenschaft. Indem vereinfachende Polarisierungen zwischen amerikanischen und deutschen,...
Die Aufsatze gehen aus einer Tagung hervor, die im 1996 in Gottingen stattfand. Sie geben einer grossen Vielfalt von Perspektiven Raum. West- und ostd...
As much as any other nation, Germany has long been understood in terms of totalizing narratives. For Anglo-American observers in particular, the legacies of two world wars still powerfully define twentieth-century German history, whether through the lens of Nazi-era militarism and racial hatred or the nation's emergence as a "model" postwar industrial democracy. This volume transcends such common categories, bringing together transatlantic studies that are unburdened by the ideological and methodological constraints of previous generations of scholarship. From American perceptions of the...
As much as any other nation, Germany has long been understood in terms of totalizing narratives. For Anglo-American observers in particular, the l...
How could educated professionals have supported the Nazi movement and collaborated with Hitler's inhuman policies? Jarausch examines this fascinating and largely unexplored subject, tracing the social, ideological, and political development of three representative German professions--law, teaching, and engineering--from the late Empire to the early Federal Republic. Based on a reformulated professionalization theory and on authoritative statistics, he describes professional prosperity and prestige in the Second Reich and analyzes the social crisis brought on by hyperinflation, stabilization,...
How could educated professionals have supported the Nazi movement and collaborated with Hitler's inhuman policies? Jarausch examines this fascinating ...