The anthropological approach to the expulsion of the foreign women from the post-exilic community argues that it was the result of a witch-hunt. Its comparative approach notes that the community responded to its weak social boundaries in the same fashion as societies with similar social weaknesses. This book argues that the post-exilic community's decision to expel the foreign women in its midst was the direct result of the community's inability to enforce a common morality among its members. This anthropological approach to the expulsion shows how other societies with weak social...
The anthropological approach to the expulsion of the foreign women from the post-exilic community argues that it was the result of a witch-hunt. It...
This work uses anthropological theory and field studies to investigate the social function and meaning of sacrifice. All rituals, including sacrifice, communicate social beliefs and morality, but these cannot be determined outside of a study of the social context. Thus, there is no single explanation for sacrifice - such as those advanced by Rene Girard or Walter Burkert or late-19th and early-20th century scholars. The book then examines four different writings in the Hebrew Bible - the Priestly Writing, the Deuteronomistic History, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles - to...
This work uses anthropological theory and field studies to investigate the social function and meaning of sacrifice. All rituals, including sacrifice,...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 1, Fachhochschule Braunschweig / Wolfenbuttel; Standort Wolfenbuttel, 27 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Seit den 80er Jahren ist nicht nur in der BRD, sondern in ganz Europa der Rechtsextremismus wieder auf dem Vormarsch. Nicht nur die Erfolge rechtsextremer Parteien bei verschiedenen Wahlen, wie zuletzt bei der Landtagswahl in Sachsen-Anhalt, sondern insbesondere auch das steigende Ausma rechtsextremer und rassistischer Gewalt, haben deutlich gemacht, da der Rechtsextremismus...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 1999 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 1, Fachhochschule Braunschweig / Wolfenbuttel; Standort Wolfenbut...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 2, Fachhochschule Braunschweig / Wolfenbuttel; Standort Braunschweig, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: "Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe. Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Zartlichkeit. Weil Du Angst vorm Schmusen hast, bist Du ein Faschist" (Die Arzte) Was die Band "Die Arzte" ironisch uberzeichnet in einem Lied singt, ist eine nicht nur in den Medien gern verbreitete Erklarungsformel fur die Ursachen neofaschistischer Gewalt in der Bundesrepublik: Jugendliche, die Synagogen anzunden,...
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik / Sozialarbeit, Note: 2, Fachhochschule Braunschweig / Wolfenbuttel; Standort Braunschwe...
The Violent Gift traces the narrative of the exilic author of the Deuteronomistic History, a narrative that provides an explanation for the trauma that the Judean community in Babylon suffered. As the book follows this explanation through the History, however, it also reads Dtr through the lens of trauma theory. Massive psychic trauma is not something that can be captured within narrative explanation, and trauma intrudes into the narrative's explanation of the exiles' trauma. Trauma challenges the claims upon which the narrative's explanation is based, thus subverting this attempt...
The Violent Gift traces the narrative of the exilic author of the Deuteronomistic History, a narrative that provides an explanation for the ...
Description: With simple, heartbreaking detail, Das Maddimadugu recalls the joys and tragedies of his childhood in a destitute family of the untouchable caste, nearly sold into slavery, and ""adopted"" by a single Mennonite missionary woman. In her care, he was taught about Jesus' love and given the opportunity to discover his gifts for wide-ranging study, loyal friendship, community organizing, and dreaming redemption for those at the bottom of society's heap. The God ""for whom nothing is impossible"" used the moves of Das and Doris Maddimadugu's lives to weave together a network of friends...
Description: With simple, heartbreaking detail, Das Maddimadugu recalls the joys and tragedies of his childhood in a destitute family of the untouchab...
The Necessary King explains why Israel needed a king according to the Deuteronomistic History, and why its exilic readers can expect no future except under Davidic rule. Given Israel's tendency to rebellion against its divine suzerain, the king is the necessary agent of God's colonization of Israel, making and keeping it a loyal subject.. The Deuteronomistic History with its pro-Davidic narrative has three prongs, each of which relies on an imitation of the imperial ideology of Judah's colonial masters. First, Dtr imitates the discourse of Neo-Assyrian treaties and Mesopotamian royal...
The Necessary King explains why Israel needed a king according to the Deuteronomistic History, and why its exilic readers can expect no future except ...