This books examines the idea of representation and the institutional realities that shaped it in early modern Europe and European America. Contributors demonstrate how a country's history, society, and national experience dictate how representation is realized in political institutions, including Cortes, diets, parlements, parliaments, riksdags and reichstags. During the 16th and 17th centuries these assemblies were dissolved, recalled, reinvented, and reshaped by the experiences of absolute monarchy, civil war, and revolution. This collection reveals how these institutions were a critical...
This books examines the idea of representation and the institutional realities that shaped it in early modern Europe and European America. Contributor...
Each edition includes all of the known extant accounts of the proceedings in the given parliament. In addition, each edition includes an Appendix/Index volume of research materials.
Each edition includes all of the known extant accounts of the proceedings in the given parliament. In addition, each edition includes an Appendix/Inde...
This volume contains the debates on the passage of the Act of Continuance that assured the parliament that it would not be adjourned, prorogued, or dissolved in conjunction with the Strafford business. On May 10th that act was passed by royal commission, as was the act of attainder against the Earl of Strafford, thus concluding with his impeachment trial and assuring the continuance of parliament. Strafford was beheaded on May 12th and the subsidy bill, providing further relief for the King's army, passed into law on the 13th. On May 11th, in between the passage of the attainder and the...
This volume contains the debates on the passage of the Act of Continuance that assured the parliament that it would not be adjourned, prorogued, or di...
Volume 5 of Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament/> covers the period from 7 June through 17 July 1641 and is the penultimate volume of text in the edition. Volume 6 will contain the proceedings from 19 July to the recess on 9 September 1641. The last volume of the edition will contain the comprehensive index and various appendixes and tables. In the summer months of 1641 as parliamentarians prepared for a recess and reunions with families from whom they had been long separated, their accomplishments were apparent: important bills had been passed, impeachments were...
Volume 5 of Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament/> covers the period from 7 June through 17 July 1641 and is the penultimate volu...
Volume 7 is the last volume of the edition of Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament compiled by the Yale Center for Parliamentary History and edited by Maija Jansson.BR> It will contain all of the Appendix material referred to in the earlier volumes. It will also contain the Lists of Members, both by family name and constituency, the List of Committees, Table of Bills, List of Petitions, List of Joint Conferences and Reports, and the Comprehensive Index to volumes 1 through 6. Maija Jansson is Director of the Yale Center for Parliamentary History.
Volume 7 is the last volume of the edition of Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament compiled by the Yale Center for Parliamentary ...
This last volume of Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament covers the period from 19 July through 9 September 1641. Both houses were by now growing thin as weary lords and commoners began to leave London for families in the countryside, knowing they would be back in the city by October. The king left for Edinburgh in August, not to return until autumn. In closing up for the recess the parliamentary body lost nothing of the work started, even while negotiating the final arrangements for peace with Scotland. The reader is again struck by the committee structure and the means...
This last volume of Proceedings in the Opening Session of the Long Parliament covers the period from 19 July through 9 September 1641. Both houses wer...