Clients arriving in your office are usually confused about what mediation means, their legal rights, and how it's all going to be sorted out. You spAnd a good deal of your time just trying to educate them enough to proceed.
The Divorce Mediation Handbook does much of this work for you. It explains the mediation procedure and reassures your clients that they can indeed work out their divorce in a reasonable and civil manner in mediation. It also gives them a great deal of information about
* how children...
A FriAndlier and Less Expensive Divorce
Clients arriving in your office are usually confused about what mediation means, their legal righ...
'The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850-1925' is a ground-breaking book that considers trade union emblems and banners as art objects in their own right. It studies their commissioning, their designers and the social conditions and gender relations that they knowingly or unwittingly reveal. The volume celebrates working-class culture and shows how it could be both innovative and derivative. Annie Ravenhill-Johnson's exploration of the artistry of the emblems - the art of and for the toiling masses - sets these images of labour in their historical, cultural and ideological...
'The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850-1925' is a ground-breaking book that considers trade union emblems and banners as art objects...
'The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850-1925' is a ground-breaking book that considers trade union emblems and banners as art objects in their own right. It studies their commissioning, their designers and the social conditions and gender relations that they knowingly or unwittingly reveal. The volume celebrates working-class culture and shows how it could be both innovative and derivative. Annie Ravenhill-Johnson's exploration of the artistry of the emblems - the art of and for the toiling masses - sets these images of labour in their historical, cultural and ideological...
'The Art and Ideology of the Trade Union Emblem, 1850-1925' is a ground-breaking book that considers trade union emblems and banners as art objects...