Contains over 200 recipes, including curry recipes from India, yellow lobster curry from Thailand, lamb shanks braised in yoghurt from Pakistan, red beef curry from Sri Lanka, Natal red bean curry from South Africa, lamb curry with okra from Indonesia, and
Contains over 200 recipes, including curry recipes from India, yellow lobster curry from Thailand, lamb shanks braised in yoghurt from Pakistan, red b...
Das Standardwerk fr alle Curry-Liebhaber: Madhur Jaffrey - Autoritt und Grande Dame der indischen Kche - bietet 225 Rezepte fr Currys und passende Beilagen aus Indien, Sri Lanka, Indonesien, Thailand, Myanmar, Japan, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sdafrika, Kenia, Trinidad und Guyana.Was ein Curry ausmacht, welche kstliche Varianten es gibt, was man dazu serviert und alles, was man sonst noch ber dieses weltweit populre Gericht wissen mchte, steht in diesem Buch.
Das Standardwerk fr alle Curry-Liebhaber: Madhur Jaffrey - Autoritt und Grande Dame der indischen Kche - bietet 225 Rezepte fr Currys und passende Bei...
No one knows Indian food like Madhur Jaffrey. For more than forty years, the "godmother of Indian cooking" (The Independent on Sunday) has introduced Western home cooks to the vibrant cuisines of her homeland. Now, in Vegetarian India: A Journey Through the Best of Indian Home Cooking, the seven-time James Beard Award-winning author shares the delectable, healthful, vegetable- and grain-based foods enjoyed around the Indian subcontinent. Vegetarian cooking is a way of life for more than 300 million Indians. Jaffrey travels from north to south, and from the Arabian Sea to...
No one knows Indian food like Madhur Jaffrey. For more than forty years, the "godmother of Indian cooking" (The Independent on Sunday) has intr...