New concepts and technologies are being introduced continuously for application development in the World-Wide Web. Selecting the right implementation strategies and tools when building a Web application has become a tedious task, requiring in-depth knowledge and significant experience from both software developers and software managers.
The mission of this book is to guide the reader through the opaque jungle of Web technologies. Based on their long industrial and academic experience, Stefan Jablonski and his coauthors provide a framework architecture for Web applications which...
New concepts and technologies are being introduced continuously for application development in the World-Wide Web. Selecting the right implementati...
Software engineering is understood as a broad term linking science, traditional en- neering, art and management and is additionally conditioned by social and external factors (conditioned to the point that brilliant engineering solutions based on strong science, showing artistic creativity and skillfully managed can still fail for reasons beyond the control of the development team). Modern software engineering needs a paradigm shift commensurate with a change of the computing paradigm from: 1. Algorithms to interactions (and from procedural to object-oriented programming) 2. Systems...
Software engineering is understood as a broad term linking science, traditional en- neering, art and management and is additionally conditioned by soc...
New concepts and technologies are being introduced continuously for application development in the World-Wide Web. Selecting the right implementation strategies and tools when building a Web application has become a tedious task, requiring in-depth knowledge and significant experience from both software developers and software managers.
The mission of this book is to guide the reader through the opaque jungle of Web technologies. Based on their long industrial and academic experience, Stefan Jablonski and his coauthors provide a framework architecture for Web applications which...
New concepts and technologies are being introduced continuously for application development in the World-Wide Web. Selecting the right implementati...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht / BGB AT / Schuldrecht / Sachenrecht, Note: 16, Universitat Leipzig, Veranstaltung: Seminar zum Schuldrecht, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Ausgleich zwischen Gesamtschuldnern folgt den Regelungen des 426 BGB. Besonders komplex gestaltet sich der Ausgleich in Fallen, in denen dem Glaubiger als Geschadigten ein Mitverschulden trifft. Die hierbei zugrundeliegenden Prinzipien bilden "Einzelabwagung" und "Gesamtschau" sowie deren Kombination. Im Rahmen dieser Kombination bedarf es u.a. Uberlegungen zur Bestimmung der...
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Jura - Zivilrecht / BGB AT / Schuldrecht / Sachenrecht, Note: 16, Universitat Leipzig, Veranstaltung: S...
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Jura - Offentliches Recht / Sonstiges, Note: 15,00, Universitat Leipzig, Veranstaltung: Interdisziplinares Seminar zum Umweltschutz und Umweltrecht, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Emissionshandel als Manahme des internationalen Klimaschutzes ist grundlegend auf das Protokoll von Kyoto vom 11. Dezember 1997 zum Rahmenubereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen uber Klimaanderungen (Kyoto-Protokoll) zuruckzufuhren. In der Europaischen Gemeinschaft startete das Emissionshandelssystem zum 01. Januar 2005. Dahingehend hatten die Mitgliedstaaten...
Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Jura - Offentliches Recht / Sonstiges, Note: 15,00, Universitat Leipzig, Veranstaltung: Interdisziplina...